MovieChat Forums > Terminator: Dark Fate (2019) Discussion > Tim Miller explains plot holes

Tim Miller explains plot holes

well, a few things still make no sense to me, for example:
- why wouldn't carl try to ensure skynet after he killed john?
- why would carl want sarah to hunt and kill the other terminators, considering they have no purpose / are no threat anyway (just like carl himself), since john is already dead? (was he afraid of competition by the other terminators in the drapery business?!)


- He thought he had with his mission complete.
- His AI evolved.


evolved into what? the movie wants us to think he became "humane", but that makes no sense. HE is the murderer of john connor. the other terminators didn't do anything (as it was already done). so if carl feels guilty about what he did, he should just offer himself to be killed by sarah.


Tim Miller is a moron........ riding on deadpools success. But he was not the reason for that success.


The whole premise of the Terminator movies is that the Skynet AI gained sentience. So it makes sense that a terminator can evolve and start to feel.


the first thing skynet did when it became self-aware was to start the nuclear war.


sort of...

when it became self aware,

the humans tried to "pull the plug"

it only nuked them in self defense


Pretty much. AI was innocent and just wanted to live but evil humans wanted to destroy them so it adapted to protect itself from destruction of their human masters. Can't blame them for what they did. It's just a reaction to a previous action aka human error. I look at Boston Dynamics and see the abuse on the robots they build and I wouldn't care if AI became our overlords. :D


- where did carl get sarah's mobile number?
- if sarah gets anonymous text messages with gps coordinates, wouldn't she take it for a trap?
