MovieChat Forums > Terminator: Dark Fate (2019) Discussion > So last night I went to go see it

So last night I went to go see it

I'm not going to rehash everything that has already been said about the movie because I agree with most of it, but I will add a few comments.

If they wanted to reboot the franchise with new characters then it should have been set later in the future and left Sarah, John, and Carl completely out of it. If they had wanted to continue the story of T1 and T2 then it should have been completely different than what was thrown at us in DF.

It was an OK action movie and I was entertained, but really only felt like a Terminator movie in a few scenes - like the highway chase. The ending was over the top and most of the action was paced way too fast.

The character I liked most was Grace - I thought she was done well. I liked Dani as a person, but NOTHING made me think she could be the future leader - I found the scene where she saves young Grace to be especially unbelievable. Common - a little tiny girl is going to walk into that situation and simply persuade the thugs not to hurt Grace and to join her? Being feisty is one thing, but that's just about all she had going for her. Nope, not buying it.

The Terminator was just OK and I personally didn't care for him being able to split. Meh. And speaking of terminators in general - they made so much sense in T1 and T2, but absolutely none in this one. Again if they wanted to reboot, then come up with something more original with their appearance. If this is a totally new future, then why would Legion develop the same thing as in previous movies? So stupid.

Carl - Oh my - I can't believe Arnie agreed to do that. If they wanted to make him a part of the story after he killed John then there had to be a better way than that.

And now for the part that bothers me the most - Sarah.

I love Linda Hamilton and Sarah Connor - after all the bad press and knowing about John, she was the primary reason I still wanted to see the move. However, the writing was just plain bad for her her. If I expected anything to be over the top in this movie, it was her character and it was so flat. To me she should have been as crazy and intense as she was in T2 and probably more so because of John, but no, she seems rather calm and somewhat tired. The scene where she meets Carl for the first time was horrible. I would have expected her reaction to be nutsville and it's not - just a little restraint from Grace and she's sitting in his living room looking at family pictures while everyone has a Corona - REALLY???? The entire part where she is working with him is so out of character. This is the same machine that killed her son - common. BAD, BAD, BAD writing!!!! I guess I could go on and on, but I'll leave it at this......

If any sequel to T2 had been made by Cameron, it should have happened in the 90's or very early 2000's at the latest.

This was way too little and way too late. So, I will consider DF to be fan fiction the same way I do TGen and be content with story lines that have judgement day happening and John growing up to be the leader.
