Camerons T3 (1996)

watch it here :

Cameron shouldve made T3 instead of (or as well as?) the 1996 T2 3D theme park ride - hell he built the future war set for that (including skynet HQ) would've worked wonders for a future war T3 - plus everyone was still young! no need for CGI deaging (maybe there could've been an opening 15-20 minutes with John and Sarah present day before the bombs drop in 97. then it goes to 2029 in the last days/hours of the war with Biehn as Reese, Michael Edwards as Conner and eventually Arnold as multiple T800s, and RPatrick as the T1000)

Basically Cameron couldsve just beefed up his discarded original T2 future war opening as described in T2 novel & Illustrated Screenplay book (also seen in the comics All Our Futures Past & Cybernetic Dawn/Nuclear Twilight)

Then like original SW/Indy, BTTF & LOTR, Terminator would've been this unbeatable trilogy (1984/1991/1996) instead of this fractured mess of films with 3 failed T3s and 3 failed trilogy starters


the first minutes are missing in this video. here's the complete show:


Poor Shaq, lol

This was pretty cool and it was in 1996.




I went on that ride 20 years ago when I lived in Florida. It was pretty cutting-edge for back in the day.


So did I - it was great.


pre T6 being a thing i was thinking that maybe Cameron would come back to Terminator as a director once he was done on the Avatar (this was back when there was only going to be 3 Avatar sequels due 2017/18/19 so Cameron would get the terminator rights in 2019 and could start on a new film around 2020 for a 2021/22 release. it was also around the time Ridley and Blomkamp were about to do the sequel to 'Aliens'). after all, after Avatar what was Cameron going to do with himself? plus it was going to be the first time Cameron had complete ownership of the Terminator rights.. there was no way he was just going to lock it away. And the notion of successfully resurrecting the franchise (the one he started his movie career with) after 3 underperforming sequels might prove too great a temptation for him to ignore. Hed even talked about potentially rebooting Terminator in an interview after Genisys failed (like resurrecting Batman with TDK trilogy or Bond with Craig).

So I was of the thought that he'd ignore T345 but still retain elements of a sequel/prequel to T1/2 (like Genisys/Fury Road were. I couldn't see him doing a complete reboot like Batman Begins). Maybe it'd be all about the 2029 future war (all blue night which hadn't been done since T2-3D ride) with a new actor as John Conner, with flashbacks to 1984/1994 (like the future war flashbacks in T1/2 only reversed), but also dealing with alternate realities, different timelines etc (like TG, but more coherent/Cameronized)

Arnold(s) would appear in an extended cameo via CG deaging like TS/TG (CG deaging would be flawless by then). Recast the others again (that is if those characters would even appear) Or maybe hed have Hamilton, Biehn, Patrick, even Furlong cameos all CG deaged too (so maybe some of it would be motion capture stuff like Avatar, showing what hed have done had he directed T3 in 1996 or 1999)

but we got Dark Fate so the notion of another Cameron directed Terminator is dead now ...right?
