It Wasnt THAT Bad... was definitely better than Salvation and Genisys. Yeah I guess thats not saying much. The way they brought Arnold back in was meh and leftist stuff is tiresome but I felt the battle scenes and effects were extremely well done and that saved it for me. 3/5.


Salvation was better, because it tried to take the story into the future. It wasn't a rehash, as is the case with every other terminator film.


DF is about the same as as Genisys for me - I consider them both to be fan fiction. I liked a lot of what happened in Salvation, it just had some problems. It's really too bad they didn't work to improve the story and continue with that trilogy.


its obviously the best of the post T2 sequels but that's kind of faint praise..



There was really no way to continue this plot without it being stupid if you wanted to bring Arnold back into it. Unfortunately Ed Furlong is a nut job and they couldn’t use John Conner anymore. Tho I suppose they could’ve just put another actor in his stead. Not sure why they didn’t. Other than needing some good leftism to inject. Can’t go without that!


It's not better than Salvation. I just watched Salvation a few weeks ago and can confirm that it's a better film than Wokenator.

Maybe it's better than Genisys. Not sure about T3. T3 isn't great but at least it's not a political message wrapped up as a Terminator film.


Yeah, on no planet is this pathetic politically-laced rehash better than Salvation. Genisys is a total embarrassment and T3, though mediocre, at least doesn't fuck up the characters/plot/timeline too extensively. This is barely above Genisys, both scraping the bottom of the barrel.


That's the perfect description of T3. It was mediocre but not offensive.

I've often wondered how much more satisfying it would've been if they'd done a better job of casting John Connor. Nick Stahl is not a bad performer but he wasn't right for JC.

Hell, I just found it on Hulu so I think I might rewatch it. You know TDF was bad if I'm turning to T3 to wash the taste out of my mouth.
