
I understand the casting as far as talent, but it is odd that they have an actor playing the lead at 40 being 5'8" and then the actor 6'4" at age 64. I think the main character is an inventor, they should make one of his inventions a height serum.


Watching it now, and was just coming here to say the same thing, LOL! IMDb claims that the lead at 40 is 5'7", and at age 64 is 6'4.5". Too funny.


Yeah, it was weird. I didn't think the kid was very good either. One of the worst of the new shows. I thought it would be better.


Actually I kind of liked it, but you are correct. The height difference is glaring. But maybe we just have to suspend belief a little. And I loved the philosophy: Keep shooting.


"Keep Shooting."
