MovieChat Forums > X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019) Discussion > 16% On RT, Do Critics Hate Female Led Xm...

16% On RT, Do Critics Hate Female Led Xmen Films



I hate all superboner movies but this one looks extra lame...



I don’t know they said that about Brie Larson and Captain Marvel and look how that turned out.


Yeah a lame movie with a female lead who doesn't discover her powers until she has a memory being told she can't play sports.


I mean in terms of how well it did at the Box Office. Not saying Dark Phoenix will do a billion though.



I think ST was ok in the last couple of movies. It was J Law who looked like she had checked out.


Slightly raised to 18% on last check.

Once the audience scores get released this will get spun into being a male problem. To many male critics, would have been better with more female critics. Toxic men in the audience. The usual nonsense.


Why do toxic men have a problem with this movie?


They don't.

I was suggesting that is what the media will spin for this female lead movie failing becuase as we all know based on the media, we the male fans are afraid of woman. The critics are panning the movie but the woke media and specific websites will spin it to blame men.

In the words of the great Charlton Heston (Armageddon) "It happened before, it will happen again"


Don't you have it backward? Generally the SJW stuff is praised by critics, according to popular theory, right? The detractors of said movies are then often criticized as haters, right?
But here's a movie being panned by think is going to be blamed on the haters?
I think you've dug yourself so far into your personal bias that you're not sure which way is up anymore. If everyone can agree that a movie is bad...its going to be hard to blame a certain segment for that movie failing, wouldn't you think?

Pardon, just so tired of people trying to make stuff fit into their preconceptions that so obviously doesn't.


Kind of seem like everyone has a problem with this movie. How are you able to single out "toxic men" in this instance?



I don't get it...
So...title of thread is about Rotten Tomatoes having this at 16% or whatever. And then a number of posts within this thread are speculating how this is going to be spun into a problem with male viewers.
Wtf are you guys talking about? Critics are bashing the movie...professional critics. IMDB score is 5.something, apparently we can all agree this is a fairly poor movie.
And yet you guys are STILL looking for your narrative here?
Yes, a movie we can all agree is a bad one...aaaaand its going to be the fault of the men, because we're just so damn victimized we can predict this stuff in even the most ridiculously unlikely scenarios lol


The Dark Phoenix is a villain. Critics only like films about women who are perfect and flawless.


Why did anybody think the guy who screwed it up the first time would get the story right the second time?


Yeah if they suck.


So apparently the critics can agree that this movie isn't much to look at, and you think it might be because those critics happen to be male?
Has there been a pattern of this kind of thing? Because just thinking back to the very last female-led movie I could come up with, "Captain Marvel", it doesn't seem like it happened there.

Has this happened before? That a good movie was likely panned by critics because of the female lead?
Or is it possible that this is just a bad movie, like everyone is saying?
Because IMO, it really looked like people were in agreement.


This is "Wrinkle In Time" all over again. Maybe it was panned cause it's a crappy film. Plus people will start to pick and choose which superhero movies they go to see. In among the good ones there has been some pretty crap ones no one will remember like "Brightburn" or the already forgotten "Hellboy".


critics are crap , they hated Glass cause it had no big action




Brightburn was ok for the budget of 7m but essentially just a pissed off teen killing people he doesnt like.


Now it's 22% (critics) and 64% (audience) on RT.
