Hearing aid (spoilers)

So the father, after trying for ages to build working hearing aids for his deaf daughter, finally builds one that works instead as a weapon against the monsters that drives them away, and this prevents a couple of fatal attacks during the movie. So by the end, they're putting two-and-two together and putting the hearing aid against an amplifier that stuns the monster in their tech room, but a fatal shotgun blast is still needed? And the silliest moment at the end is when they see other monsters come and the mother is cocking the shotgun like "LET'S ROCK!" and the movie ends before it turns into a monster bloodbath!

Good for the suspense, but it makes you wonder why no-one else in the world tried that sonic defence. As for the countries being crossed off that frequencies list, I can only assume all the humans were wiped out in them?


I just could not stand that they were walking over leaves and not making any noise, haha yeah sure, also it bothered me that it was cold, they were wearing winter jackets and hats but were walking barefoot like if they were in the beach? oh c'mon, also the Dad even the Mom could bend down that nail with something solid without noise easily. Many holes and I don't know but this spoiled the suspense I didn't even find it scary. Disappointed.


Oh yeah, the nail in the step, they really drew that out, didn't they? The mother knows that her bundle is catching on something and doesn't bother to see what it is or do anything about it, yet steps on it later on as she's in the middle of the birth and does all she can not to make a noise. The nail is still there in the step later on as the rest of the family come down into the basement and we're meant to will them not to step on the nail and scream, and I think that was also part of the contrived "suspense". Common sense and a hammer (to pull out the nail) would've solved that problem, but then there would be no suspense. D'oh.


I LOVED the ending... Especially cocking the shotgun... We need more cool hollywood moments like this in movies, not less 😎
