MovieChat Forums > Invincible (2021) Discussion > Japanese Animation Looks Like Shit

Japanese Animation Looks Like Shit

I have the original Invincible comics.

They should have done this in american comic style animation.

Not noodle-sized necks, 1 line for a mouth, a dot for a nose, and grotesquely oversized eyeballs.

Anyone ever heard of Uncanny Valley? How about drawing people how they actually look.

Jack Kirby didn't draw pencil necks. The great comic book artists didn't draw 1 half circle line for a mouth. They drew detail. They drew the whole mouth, the lips , the teeth. Everything.

Japanese animation uses short-cuts for everything so they don't have to DRAW anything difficult. The end result is you get terrible animation.

I don't mean to single out Japan because the American studios are only doing terrible CGI now, so they have given up on traditional animation all together. The new Disney Pixar characters look like plastic marionettes, and that's just as BAD. It's still totally in the Uncanny Valley.

But since American studios have long since abandoned hand-drawn animation, the Anime studios are the only ones doing traditional animation anymore. But they completely suck at it, for the reasons I stated.

So when we finally have an american comic book property, and someone green lights an animated version, its naturally done as an Anime.

The closest thing we get to traditional american comic style animation now, (which the industry is dead) is the modern, asset drag-and-drop animation method, essentially flash animation.

Even though they aren't using Macromedia Flash anymore to make it... it's essentially Flash animation.

And that's the state of the modern American animation industry.

As a final note, I want to add: When Modern Japanese/South Korean animation studios get American properties, they try hard to NOT look like anime, and to immitate American comic style. But no matter how hard they try, they are still South Korean and Japanese animators and they only have one style they can't copy someone else's style. Any when they try to copy it , it looks like a cheap immitation. And it still looks like Anime. Invincible is a prime example of that.

Also, I can't think of a single Japanese animated film I saw where I didn't think the colours were overly muted.
