Okay, okay I'm sorry, guys lol

I was being a dick...I admit it.
I do believe there are a lot of obvious fake reviews on IMDB and the score has been hijacked (in my opinion...)
But I don't really believe you are all lying...lol
Maybe I was wrong about the show? Maybe there was something I missed.
I made it to episode 6....Maybe I should carry on n give it another chance?

Look, I understand not everyone is going to like the same thing, trust me I do lol....
The reason this one confuses me so much, is because the majority of times, even when I don't like a TV show.....I still get why other people do.

For example The Walking Dead......I don't like the show but I can see the appeal.
The show Power......I think it's boring as shit but again, I can see how people like it.

With this show, I just don't understand it at all. 9.1???
That is almost has high as Game of Thrones or Breaking Bad.....Do people seriously believe this show is up there with those??

So, I have to ask....In all seriousness now....What was it about this show that everyone loved so much?


With this show, I just don't understand it at all. 9.1???
That is almost has high as Game of Thrones or Breaking Bad.....Do people seriously believe this show is up there with those??


Its actually an 8.9 rating, when IMDB does its Top 250 ....They ONLY COUNT Members they know are Proven to be real and reliable....

Thats why theres a slight difference in The regular 9.1 rating and The TOP 250 rating....

so to answer your question NO people no dont Think This show is as Great as BB and GOT....

GOT and BB actually have 9.4 Ratings among Proven reliable voters....Hill House is just slightly under it with a 8.9....

This Also completely obliterates your theory that The High ratings on IMDB are FAKE.

If I remember right, do not quote me on this, because its been quite sometime since I read this, But as for The IMDB Top 250, again They have a algorithm they use to weed out Trolls, fake ratings and Biased ratings....for example one of them is, They'll only count ratings on The TOP 250 if You've been rating with the same account for your Many Years, Your Ratings are consistent with The Averages and You've Rated Over 1000 Films/TV series ....There are other things they use too.

But the point is, The TOP 250 rating Is a Pretty reliable Rating....and Hill House's Top 250 Rating Is excellent, Its #26 All time(I except it go down and probably settle in the 30's somewhere)

Point being again, There are definitely FAKE reviews on IMDB...thats why Hill House's regular is slightly higher than Its Top 250 rating, But If There were a lot Of Fake reviews like your suggesting..we would either be seeing A HUGE difference in The TOP 250 rating or its regular rating

either Its Regular rating would be 9.1(from fake reviews) and Its Top 250 Rating would be something like 7.5....where theres a HUGE drop from The reliable ratings

Or we should see something like Its TOP 250 Rating being 8.9 and Its Regular being 9.9(from the fake reviews)

The facts are there is not a single piece Piece of data you can point to that suggests Hill House's rating are Fake...

In fact all data proves they are legit!

Then you add RT's Rating of 92% With A average of 8.3/10 in....do you know what that means?

do you know what the 8.3 Rating Means?

It means The reviews that are Positive, aren't just Luke warm, or kinda good....

It Means almost every critic that gives a positive review is giving the series 8...9...or 10 ratings....It Means 90%+ of the professional critics that watched This show, and thought it was good to Great, thus giving Excellent 8,9 or 10 ratings

The overwhelming Majority of Tv shows and films that have High RT rating in 90's....almost always have average rating between 7 and 7.5.....which means Critics liked the movie but didnt love it, It means Positive Rating were decent to good But now all real high, it means there was a lot of 6...7...and 8's....

you are more than with your right to ignore all this data, But just know, Your clearly doing it for a reason....for some reason it bothers you that this series is extremely successful, and Your willing to basically turn DELUSIONAL and Ignore all facts not to except this series is successful and Really liked by The Majority....

feel free to believe whatever you want, but just know You do not have a single piece of evidence behind your beliefs....Meanwhile Theres is indisputable evidence against your beliefs but you are instead intentionally ignoring ALL facts ....

Is it so hard just to simply say "I'll never understand why everyone likes this series, I have no clue why its getting such High rating, In my opinion Its awful"

thats all you have to do...Instead, You come with the

"Nope reviews are fake"....

"I'm right and everyone else is wrong"...

"If You thought this was good, you are a moron"....

You didnt like this series....Thats fine....You are Not alone, No one is claiming Every single person liked it....

all were saying is, You are in a very small minority if You didnt like it ....

The Consensus Is Overwhelming....You do not have to agree with the consensus, But you cant change it....

you have to find a way to deal with the fact that this show got excellent reviews,excellent rating and Is Liked by over 90% that watch it....

Heres a hint.......its ok to dislike something others like....thats called an OPINION....



The Haunting of Hill House: 9.1 with 26 000 votes.

Breaking Bad: 9.5 with 1 100 000 votes.

Game of Thrones: 9.5 with 1 300 000 votes.

When/if this show reaches a million votes it’s gonna have a lower rating. You can’t compare the rating of a show with less than 50 000 votes with the ratings of shows with over a million votes.



I can’t help but notice that nobody has actually answered your question. Replies on this thread seem to do two things. The first is to point at the imdb ratings being real, which seems like an evasion of your question at best. The other thing people are doing is suggesting that you need to do some soul searching in order to figure out why you want such a question answered in the first place, which is a controlling tactic that people use to shift the scope of the debate.

Having got that out of the way, I think what people liked about it was the general premise of the story and the special effects. Visually, I thought it looked pretty nice, and who doesn’t have some fond memory of a scary and mysterious part of their childhood home or grandma’s house? The other thing that people are drawn to in the show is the family issues that it tackles. This is not to say that they were fresh issues. On the contrary, they were the same sorts of things that you see in every other family drama. It seems, though that viewers really like to see several of them playing out at once, which is the only reason I can come up with that Parenthood lasted more than one season.

Don’t get me wrong, though, the acting was trash. I couldn’t tell of a single family member was sad at the wake, Olivia’s overly nostalgic storytelling was exhausting, and the kids all delivered every line the exact same way.

All in all, does the show deserve such a high rating? No. But it will probably fall over time. I enjoyed this one enough, but i had the luxury of hearing virtually nothing about it before I watched it. I’d rate it a solid 6.8.



I also noticed that nobody answered my question.
I am honestly fine with being in the minority, I am just genuinely wondering what people got out of this.....Still wondering.


Wish I could watch it but don't get Netflex. I would watch it just because the lady below is one of the stars. Same with Bates Motel. I watched every episode because Vera Farmiga was the star of it.


