Interesting Update on RAJH

turns out RAJH is a Netflix Troll....

I know his trolling on this board has been quite Odd....

and its finally been explained...

I'm not sure RAJH has even watched the show....I'm quite certain he doesnt "Hate" it...

He's simply trolling on Netflix....

went back did some checking in his history, He's got a deep history of trolling on Netflix shows and films...

He's currently trolling on Hill House, Sabrina and Apostle...All Netflix shows released in the last month to positive or somewhat positive reviews...

Just wanted to post this because like I said, His trolling has been so desperate and odd it didnt really make sense.....Until now....

basically disregard all comments and trolling he does on Hill House from now on.....Its extremely likely he hasnt watched the show and doesnt even dislike it

for some reason, He's trolling on Netflix


LMAO You are dedicating your time to a stranger online who openly admitted was trolling....

You are so thick that you would rather believe I haven't even watched the show than believe someone could possibly dislike it? lol
Not even I was that simple minded when I suggested a lot of the reviews are fake (Which they are BTW)

"for some reason, He's trolling on Netflix "

I am actually roaring with laughter at the fact you think you have cracked this case...
I liked Apostle and thought Sabrina was quite good too sooooo.....Why exactly do you think I am trolling Netflix films? lol Dumbass.

Anyway, I am thrilled to see how much I have gotten to someone from my trolling post but seriously dude....This is getting kinda sad now lol.
Do you seriously think anyone is going to be like "Yeaaah, good one, Bill, you totally exposed this guy!" *Fist bump*

Nobody cares, son lol.


This wasnt about exposing you....

It just needs to be known that Your not trolling on Hill House.....

I and others have spent time responding to you(No responding is not the right word) the right is OBLITERATING you with facts that you cant dispute that Prove Hill House Is Universally Praised and Liked By The Overwhelming majority....

You of course respond with delusional "Fake Reviews" and "everyone who likes Hill House is wrong, and I'm right that its awful" trolling..

Its needs to be known that theres no sense responding to your HILL HOUSE trolling anymore as your not actually trolling on Hill House....

You are trolling on Netflix....

your status has changed, It would be one thing if in fact you really hated Hill House this much that You really believed these Delusional excuses

It would then be worth Hitting you with The facts of Hill Houses Universally Praise....

But the truth is...You dont actually care about Hill House, I'll doubt youve even watched it, You certainly dont hate it enough to to go to these Delusional depths.

Theres no reason to spend 1 more second responding to your Hill House trolling...Instead if you continue trolling on Hill House the focus need to be on Why you hate Netflix so much?

You are so thick that you would rather believe I haven't even watched the show than believe someone could possibly dislike it? lol
Not even I was that simple minded when I suggested a lot of the reviews are fake (Which they are BTW)


If only this was your actual stance....

I have no doubt Hundreds and Thousands of people watched Hill House disliked it....

I have no problem admitting You or anyone else watched the show and thought it was bad....everyone is entitled to thier own opinion....

My Only point is....If you did dislike the show....Your in The Minority....

for whatever reason, YOU can not accept that The Overwhelming majority who watched this show Liked it....

You want to believe, everyone has to be LYING or Stupid if they do not agree with you that the show is bad....

I couldnt be More Opened Minded....

I've admitted, There are hundreds/Thousands that dislike the show, I've admitted There even has to be some fake reviews(every show and film has some).....but In the case of Hill House the fact unequivocally prove They are in The Minority....

If you did watch this show and disliked it....thats fine, You are entitled to your opinion...You are not the only person that dislikes it....Unfortunately though for you....The number of People that Disliked the show is very small compared to The Overwhelming number that enjoyed it....

the question is, are you so simply minded that you can not recognize or accept The consensus....

would you really rather believe 35 thousand + people are all either wrong or LYING that they like the show?

would you really rather believe 55 out 59 Professional critics are all wrong or are LYING that they like the show?

Its perfectly ok for you not to like the show....

whats Odd/delusional is for some reason you can not accept Others dont agree with you!


Another page added to the novel. Another page I wont be reading. You're typing for no one, bro lmao.
Keep it up, it's hilarious.
