MovieChat Forums > Roseanne (1988) Discussion > Just realized Darlene probably named her...

Just realized Darlene probably named her son after his dearly departed uncle. :(

So sweet. :_(


I noticed that too.


And Harris is Roseanne and Jackie's maiden name.


The only problem with that is that Darlene never liked Mark and it makes no sense that she would name one of her children after him.


Perhaps David wanted to name him after his deceased brother.


Have they ever stated that David is the father to those kids?


Darlene and David were married. I'm assuming that the kids are his..... especially since the youngest is named after his brother.
They haven't stated a number of things. I'm looking forward to the answers as the weeks go by.


Harris the daughter certainly has to be David's kid, and the baby that Darlene gave birth to in season 9. Only thing I noticed is that she's still in high school, whereas with her 1997 birth, she would have been 20-21 now.
Idk, I guess it doesn't bother me that much though, of all the things that could.


Dan died during the previous series too. They aren't too worried about continuity I guess.


The 9th season didn't happen, though, it was just a book Roseanne had written. Perhaps Darlene had a miscarriage.


Yes you're right, but since Darlene became pregnant in season 8 and they kept the 'Harris' name, I guess I figured her baby's birth was one of very few season 9 things carried into the new show. It is hard to say though. I suppose the fact the 2-parter where Darlene had her baby revolved around the possibility of the baby dying, means she could have very well lost that baby (then had another one who was given the same name). Would seem weird though that they wouldn't mention this or the grief Darlene would no doubt have experienced over it.

(Then there's also of course the little issue of Dan's own supposed death. Man, things have become almost more confusing now that these unanswered questions are supposed to be answered, lol.)


