MovieChat Forums > Lovecraft Country (2020) Discussion > REWIND 1921 (Season 1/ Episode 9)

REWIND 1921 (Season 1/ Episode 9)

Last time we saw the The WIDOW of UNCLE GEORGE and her young daughter (the one who writes COMIC BOOK STORIES) they were heading for the place where her brother in law (MONTROSE) was held prisoner inside of the basement of the TOWER that also has those MONSTERS who live underground running around at night.

And she also has the MODEL of the SOLAR SYSTEM that she took from LETI's house (which is also suppose to enable you to TIME TRAVEL).

And since the name of EPISODE 9 is REWIND 1921, and it's suppose to be the 1950's, that would also seem to indicate she or someone else is going to FIND whatever KEY they need to be able to TIME TRAVEL back to 1921 for some reason???

So what could it be that takes place back then that someone would need to go back in time to that 1921 TIME FRAME???

1918 was also the year that 600,000 DIED of the SPANISH FLU.

Four Lessons From the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic

Apr 20, 2020 ·

By the time three waves of Spanish flu swept across the globe in 1918 and 1919, at least 50 million people were dead, including 675,000 Americans

Would you chose to travel back in time to that kind of a TIME FRAME???

FOUND this LINK which explains the reason why someone is going to TRAVEL back to 1921:


Montrose is clearly traumatized by what he’s witnessed throughout Black U.S. history. Seeing him start a fire and snarl about how it “smells like Tulsa” takes things back to his suggested witnessing of the 1921 Race Massacre went down, including the bombing of Black Wall Street


So apparently it's the 1921 RACE MASSACRE in TULSA that we'll be GOING BACK in time to again???
