So what happens IF CHRISTINA is able to enter into EDEN???

Does she get to RENAME everything???

Will she establish an organization called the DAUGHTERS of EVE and then proceed to treat the MALES the same way as they MISTREATED her???

Perhaps that's what we'll find out has happened when S2 begins???



For anyone who is interested ... another poster and I have been having discussions about this possibility over at the POLITICS BOARD:

My theory is DIANA's mom may already be the NEW EVE who will form a "DAUGHTERS of EVE CLUB" in S2.

And that LETI, RUBY, CHIRSTINA and DIANA will also be MEMBERS of it (due to the way they've all experienced some kind of SEXISM from the males in their lives).

TIC and UNCLE GEORGE REFUSED to let LETI drive the car on the ROAD TRIP.

UNCLE GEORGE refused to even let his wife even go on ROAD TRIPS with him.

Christina's father also MISTREATED her and refused to let her be a member of the SONS of ADAM because she was what he considered to be an INFERIOR FEMALE.

So how surprised should we be if we at some point discover that they've formed their OWN CLUB???



FOUND this interesting article:

Eve was vilified for her actions, so this hallucination speaks to the snake deceiving a woman once more. It's a statement on betrayal as it tricks Leti the same way it did Eve. More so, the way it attacks her is a reminder of the misogyny ever present in society, showcasing how women can be manipulated and stripped of their power while also being shamed and held accountable for actions that were not their fault.

An All-Boys Garden of Eden

When it's time for the ritual, things get weirder as Sam reveals the Sons of Adam are meant to bring order back to an imperfect world, also discovering why they are a male-driven group. They believe Adam was duped by Eve and that women are inherently evil, ergo why Sam doesn't allow any women into the ritual, which will open a portal for them to enter Eden.

In his eyes, only men deserve this gift

the bigots think only men should be beside God. This ideology disgusts Christina so much that she gives Tic a ring that helps him escape.

they don't get to flock to the garden and undo 'Original Sin' via their all-boys club, proving God doesn't want these bigoted men in his paradise.

So then WHY would they allow a BIGOTED FEMALE like CHRISTINA (who feels the same way about MALES as they did HER) inside of EDEN???

That wouldn't make much sense to allow her inside of it after refusing to let the MALES inside (due to their SEXIST ATTITUDES towards her).

Wonder if that SPACE WOMAN that DEE's mom met on her journey (the one who kept telling her she wasn't IN PRISON) could have been GOD???

