DVD,March 30,2021

Great news I'll buy that and skip seeing Godzilla because I'm going to buy that also when it comes out dvd.


Considering your blatant bigging up of a very terrible movie multiple times, I presume you must have invested in it or worked on it or been paid to advertise it because no way one can be born such a sucker to pay and to ask for multiple gluten for punishment watching this terrible movie more then once.


It is better than the Godzilla movie you will see. Although I have the other Godzilla movies. Evern the Matthew Broderick.So I will buy this one also.


There are people out there that love "Gigli". No accounting for taste.


You should be happy every time you drink some water you can think Gal may have swam or showered in it.


I agree people like bad films, i like bad films and i would say my taste isn't the standard but what i don't do is try and promote that bad film in this and other threads before the film comes out, during the film and after the movie comes out and try to push that movie in threads that say they don't like the film, i see these odd subtle comments to try and push this film.



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