Season 3 idea?

A real shocker here. Daniel finds out Mr Kreese is his father, who he always presumed to be dead. Mrs LaRusso knew this and thats why she moved with Daniel back in 1984 out to Rosita. She secretly tried to make amends with him but he refused. Daniel is shocked and very upset with his mom for lying all these years


That's almost Star Wars. "Daniel, I am your father".

Then Daniel loses his hand and Johnny the handyman crafts a new one?

Mr Miyagi makes a guest appearance in spirit form but now he is green for some reason.


Thank you. I haven't laughed that hard all year


Glad you enjoyed and took it how it was intended. :-)


It is called Reseda, not Rosita, lol


Terry Silver.


I predict Elisabeth Shue's character (Ali Mills Schwarber) will make an appearance and be the one who helps Miguel, seeing as how she's a pediatric surgeon (treats kids but knows surgery in general).

If she doesn't return for some odd reason, then perhaps they can get Kumiko (Tamlyn Tomita) or Jessica (Robyn Lively) sooner and have them work in the field of medicine.


I just Hope Season 3 doesn't have Tory as Ali's Daughter even tho people said the character's last name use to be listed as such
