

I'm not sure there should be a sequel. I think they should leave it as-is. In a world filled with maddening numbers of sequels and interconnected films, it'd be nice if this one got to be its own thing without the need to expand further.

As for titles, I'd be on-board for something simple: Joker, Part II, ala the Godfather films.



If they do a sequel (which, I don't think they should) I'd go with something along those lines.


I agree.
I don't see a need for a sequel, especially since we don't know what was real and what was imagination.
And lets keep it real. Arthur, ain't never getting out of the nut house.


The fun, for me, of comic book universes is the constant reinvention while the adherence to the central themes constantly ring out. It's fun watching people play the symphony their own way. Todd Philips took The Joker Requiem and put together his orchestra and arranged the music and did it his way. That's wonderful in and of itself.

When studios get ahold of stuff like this and spin it out endlessly, trying to wring more and more money from it, that's when it gets a little tawdry and disappointing.

Not gonna lie: I've also got myself a powerful dose of superhero fatigue, so the thought of sequels, spin-offs, and connective tissue bleeding into an extended universe just wearies me.`


I agree with you.
Joker 2: bigger clown shoes



Hate that title

I do think if they make a sequel it probably won't be titled somemthing as ordinary as Joker 2. The closest thing to it will probably be Joker: Act II or Joker: The Second Act or something



Stop trying to make “fetch” happen, Gretchen.

I think it over emphasizes class revolt. Arthur was disillusioned by society as a whole, not just the wealthy. I’d say something like Joker: The Mad Circus or The Bloody Carnival is more appropriate.

However, this is all operating under the assumption that Arthur is in fact The Joker. This has not been confirmed to be an origin story/cannon.


Joker II - Attack of the Clowns. I like it!



Joker 2: Electric Boogaloo


Joker 2: You'll not get it!!!


Supposedly they're gonna start filming the second movie in 2023.
