MovieChat Forums > Joker (2019) Discussion > Was joker homosexual in this?

Was joker homosexual in this?

I know he was deranged at times but I heard someone claim he was the first homosexual villain for DC.


well mental illness and homosexuality go hand in hand. But doesn't he eventually bang Harley Quinn?


Perhaps you mean transgenderism. Joker thankfully didn't make the mistake Kira did in Death Note and had sex with his girlfriend


Now Go Max Idiocy

The 1950s called and they want their outdated psychological assessments back!

You could just as easily say bigotry and mental illness go hand in hand but I don’t know if that’s true really, I think you’re more likely just sad that the world has grown up and you’re still stuck in the past. Shit happens bro.


Joker fantasized about dating a black woman in this, plus he’s supposed to get with Harley Quinn eventually, so he’s obviously not gay.

If anyone is the “first gay” DC villain, it’s Poison Ivy, not that being gay has anything to do with being a super villain or anything.


Wow, this is honestly one of the first "Is that Character Meant to be Gay ?" posts I've seen in several years since the old IMDB boards closed down. You've made my day.


He did dress well and wear makeup.


And let's not forget all those dicks he sucked.


God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve...
