MovieChat Forums > You (2018) Discussion > Reminds me of dexter

Reminds me of dexter

The whole taking to himself in 3rd person.. bring a killer, a lot of it reminds me of that style of dexter, where you wanna root for a killer.


That's already been discussed along with the fact it's clearly not in the same ball park as Dexter quality wise...
While Joe can be a character that elicits sympathy we do know that sooner or later Joe will continuously do the wrong thing and give in to his worst impulses while Dexter had learned to control and focus his. We could see Dexter as a good guy. Joe will never be the better man because he always ends up blaming everyone but himself whenever he lapses ..
It has a lighter touch than Dexter which helps in not taking Joe's missteps too seriously. But it does show the darker riskier side of social media.


it does have its similarities but Dexter had a better (More prominent) supporting cast.


I don't want to root for Joe, he is the biggest creep imaginable. He literally makes my skin crawl.

As soon as it got to the end of season 2 premiere episode - I mean Jesus!

Dexter actually killed people who deserved it (well, for the most part). At his core, he wasn't a sickie or a creep. More like a surgeon who has useful skills for cutting out tumors.


After both seasons I'm still rooting for Joe. I know I'm not suppose to, but I still do.


Root for him to do... what exactly??


Find his love obviously.


Do you really not get it yet? Joe is incapable of love. He only becomes obsessed from afar with people he doesn't know.

Not to mention, why you would think that someone who has killed so many innocent people (and obviously shows no signs of stopping) deserves love and happiness is beyond me.


Then why did he protect a 15 year old?

He tries to be a good person, a person deserves love.


And... what does that have to do with the price of cheese??
A very insignificant good deed in the big scheme of things.


The point is unlike Dexter, who justifies what he did, Joe repents and tries to redeem himself. Isn't that what Christianity all about?


Which show are you even watching? Joe is a full-on psychopath who feels absolutely justified in everything he does "for love".

And did you even watch Dexter to the end??

Also, what does Christianity have to do with anything, how is that even a point.


To be honest you sound more and more like a psychopath.


Like I said, zero reading comprehension. Or any other kind, apparently.


He's charming and handsome I would like to be the one to fix him


Thanks, you just demonstrated something to me about the right kind of demographic for this show.

And no, he won't love you, either.


In a perfect world his path would cross that of Dexter and the world would be a better place with Joe being no more than a drop of blood on a microscope slide.


there's even the line in the 2nd season "you're basically dexter".


yeah I posted this before I got to that episode funny enough.

I dunno why you wouldn't root for him at all. it's like Donald Draper Tony Soprano Walter White all are arseholes in their own way and times we hate them but also root for them. but we always support them and feel sorry for them, it's hard to have a TV show to succeed if you don;t root for the lead

with Joe his upbringing from his parents. makes us feel sorry for him. The only time I really hated him was at the end of season 1.

If Beck wasn't so snoopy she be still alive.. I am not sure how I feel about Love though at the end of season 2.


I repeat my question from above: you root for him to accomplish what, exactly?

I don't see how he can be compared to the other characters you mention. There is a difference between being a villain and a sick creep.

I certainly don't root for him to keep getting away with murder like I did with Dexter. It's like you are rejoicing, "Yay, he killed Benji! Yay, he killed Peach! Yay, he killed Beck!", and so on.

And the way he stalks all his objects obsession - eww! He never once met anyone or developed feelings for anyone (his creepy version of feelings, anyway) naturally. This is the person you identify with?


I don’t know but it’s very hard to follow a tv show not rooting for the lead.

I struggle with ray donavan for example rooting for him, doesn’t have a personality but o find I root for his father more even they he was more of a arse.

Yeah Joes a creep I guess I feel sorry for him and think the woman are stupid in falling for him. If beck hadn’t of snooped around she still be alive .

Btw I was glad he killed peach. Couldn’t stand the bitch, I guess that’s where I started rooting for him and wanted him to kill her and get away with it.


Right, because every annoying person deserves to die. 🙄

Blaming Beck for getting killed is especially rich.


It’s a tv show not real life for god sake, mind you I’ve been cheated on before I wished the person was dead, or had pain and failure or Her life. But wanting and doing 2 different things


Yep... while most of the people Joe killed were flawed, they weren't murders that deserved to die. Becks cheated on him... does that mean she should have been killed? The only one that he rightly killed was Henderson that was molesting girls but in that instance he wasn't actually going to kill him, that killing was just a happy accident.


It definitely reminds me of Dexter. I came up here to look to see if anyone else thought that and here is the discussion. It's a dumbed down way more far fetched lesser quality less entertaining Dexter.
