Episode 4

Nicely done.


Took their sweet time getting there though. Really the only thing of any importance that happened in the episode was that the Icy Dye killed the false Dragon and even that, though spectacular to watch, was a minor plot point in the overall scheme of things.

Oh and we learned that Mat has been infected by the fast acting and sentient black mould which probably means that he is not the Dragon.


She didn't kill him, she Gentled him, and its a major plot point.


Oh I see. But didn't the Glee Man say that Gentling was as good as killing ?


It can cause such a deep depression that they don't want to keep living, so sort of.


Icy Dyke is very accurate and funny though.


Don't sell yourself short. My take on Aes Sedai was Icy Dye which sounds pretty much the same. You were the one who added the Special K which raises it to a whole new level.


Holy shit, I really thought that's what you were saying 🤣! Its Aes Sedai, for future reference.


I think I'll keep calling them the Icy Dyke. I like the sound of it !


In her case, it fits very well.


I don't want to spoil anything for you so I'm just going to restate things they showed in the episode:

The Aes Sedai (excepting possibly Moraine) think Logaine might be The Dragon reborn.

Moraine, Alanna, and Corinne are all strong, competent Aes Sedai, but it took at least two of them, using continuous maximum effort, to maintain a shield on Logaine. Logaine is extremely powerful in the One Power.

When Logaine breaks free of the shield, even the combined efforts of Moraine, Alanna, and Corinne cannot quite hold him and he kills Corinne and either kills or mortally wounds other people in there including Lan.

When Nynaeve sees that Lan is dying she becomes so distraught that power just blasts out of her. Logaine is completely shocked by this. The Aes Sedai are shocked. Their warders are shocked. She completely incapacitates Logaine, who, remember, could barely be contained before by three powerful Aes Sedai working together.


Oh I see. So Lowgain may still be the Dragon although he is now the Gentle Dragon I suppose. Rand may be the Dragon because he is the handsome boy after all. And Inynavy may be the Dragon because she has got some stonking horse power hidden under her bonnet. Or it may be the mysterious Fifth Man who disappeared when the Red Icy Dyke captured Lowgain. Which of these !?

PS: I felt sorry for Lowgain because he thought he was Jesus and he was going to make everything nice. But now he thinks it has turned out that he was just a naughty boy. How the mighty are fallen.


Nynaeve is mucho powerful. That's the message. (This also means Nynaeve is more powerful than Moraine, Liandrin, and Alanna, who are themselves very powerful Aes Sedai.)



Does this mean that Inynavy will be made an Icy Dyke and she can hang out with all the girls !?
