charley has no motivtion.

the oldest actor's cliché is: what is my motivation?
but in this new the little drummer girl, charley has no motivation.
she's a young actress, kidnapped by the mossad, and asked to help them take down a terrorist cell, consisting mostly of brothers, one of whom makes bombs with a signature touch.
but what is charley's motivation to join this extremely dangerous mission?
first of all, she's a young leftist, not too into politics, so if she is going to help anyone, it's going to be the Palestinians.
the isralies don't threaten her, or offer her money. in fact they say if she doesn't want to do it, she can go.
the only possible motivation is her attraction to the agent who got her into this mess. but that doesn't work either. she is interested in him, but it certainly is not a motivation to go into deep undercover work.
so the series is ruined for me because I keep asking, why would she do this?


Yes agree 100% was thinking/wondering the same thing myself.


Yeah...but I get the idea that Charley is intrigued by the danger and flattered by the attention and the fact they saw her as a highly skilled actress capable of pulling something like this off.. and she is also sort of the kind of person that likes to see herself as living on the edge. Out of the ordinary. She's curious and, initially, doesn't completely know what she's getting herself into.

Given all that she is young and becoming a deep cover agent must appeal to her own sense of importance and their carrot that her efforts might end some of the violence. Charlie is bold but pretty vulnerable beneath all the bravado. She thinks she is but she's really no match for manipulation.

I was just as much mystified as their idea of the mission itself and all the psychological components that might work better in theory than when applied.
I'm enjoying the show (2/3's done) although it all does feel a bit convoluted. But that doesn't interfere for me.


i did not know about this movie.
i don't even remember the original movie any longer except that it contained diane keaton and i remember disliking it intensely but i am not sure why.

anything that has anything to do with connecting the left with the palestinians is a cliche,
and anyone who says they are leftist and supports the palestinians is clueless about the
world. the palestinians are about as leftist as the saudis or isis.


I never saw the original but I have found the mini series very well acted and interesting

Essentially I support Israel but am not opposed to hearing alternate points of view. Extremism on both the left and the right I am opposed to and I would say this show is too.

It's true that Charlie, the girl the Israeli's chose, is sympathetic to the Palestinians and that's precisely why they chose her. Most of her opinions are based on emotion rather than fact and she is easily manipulated. She considers herself not political but primarily anti violence and anti terrorism and that's the button that they push.
Well, that and a sort of primal dance around a seduction..
While her thinking process is kind of murky it's clear she's not anti Jewish as she willingly goes undercover for them.


Saying she's a young actress doesn't really tell the full story though. We learn from the British late in the series that she was already on their radar for attending the same meetings that led the Mossad to her. That's hardly your typical 20-something British actress. She lies about her father because she doesn't want a typical existence. I'd say the danger that you think should have prevented her from helping is exactly what caused her to go along with it. She was also falling for Gadi and trusted him, just like she ended up doing with Khalil at the end. Frankly I'd say she helped the Israelis because they got to her first.


I was multitasking when watching the first couple episodes and I thought she and the Swedish gal were the same character. Imagine my confusion over her recruitment.


I enjoyed the series, but I agree with you. The Israelis never offered her money. On top of that, she is playing herself. She is using her real name in interactions with the Palestinians? Is she not afraid that they will seek revenge? I expected them to move her to Australia after the mission was complete.


Interesting points.
