MovieChat Forums > Succession (2018) Discussion > Confused about Logan and Kerry

Confused about Logan and Kerry

Like out of the blue we're told they're together, yet we never see them kiss, seem them having a moment, we're just told shes his fling or girlfriend but all we ever see is him treating her like his assistant.

Then shes at his funeral crying like she lost a husband, but i just don't feel like we was ever shown anything between her and Logan at all other than boss and assistant or am i forgetting a scene?

I just don't feel like that was well established. Roman and everyone make jokes about her sucking his cock or whatever, but honestly i never got the vibe they was anything but boss and assistant, i know they hinted at it heavily but unless i'm forgetting i don't recall a single scene where they got together or had 1 moment that established they was actually fucking.


I think this was the case for two reasons:

(1) The character of Logan Roy was too discrete to make any kind of public display of affection with an employee, especially when married; and

(2) I think the actor, Brian Cox, didn't want to be shown in any sort of a love scene with a much younger woman, or the producers thought it wouldn't go over well with the audience. Inference, innuendo was enough, but maybe the audience would find it gratuitous to actually see him in a sexual act with Kerry (or dirty-talking with her.)


it's all implied, they were never going to "show it"


You really thought they were going to show Logan kissing her? It's not hinted at. It's established.


Its hinted, they never once showed any scene where they became a thing, just suddenly there was whispers and talk about it.


We all knew, just like we'd figure it out in real life without seeing anything explicit. The vibe was there, especially in the way she acted. She didn't interact with Logan the way Jess interacted with Kendall. She exuded a special relationship with a shit eating grin for everyone to see.


This series didn't spell things out all of the time. That was one of the good things about it. It kept things mysterious and you were forced to speculate like the kids were. Logan's talk with Kerry about whether she had STDs and Logan drinking a disgustingly healthy drink are the hints that there is a sexual relationship between them.


Yeah i never really thought about it like that, putting us in the perspective of the kids speculating, i really like that now looking back at it with that in mind.


That scene on the yacht...

had me guessing along with the children about what was happening on the plane with Logan. The director said it was his intention to have the audience experience it from the children's perspective.

Similar situation with Kendall's mental health. They never said he was bipolar, but his behavior and a few comments made by his siblings seem to suggest it.
