MovieChat Forums > Messiah (2020) Discussion > The Messiah has this nasty habit...........

The Messiah has this nasty habit.........

of answering a question with another question.


When they are asking a question, a person aims to find the truth. Most questions directed at The Messiah, aim to hear from him what they want him to say.


I just finshed the season

I must say, The way this show was written is one infuriating and intentionally deceiving shows I've ever seen.

I understand there are ways to write that leaves things open to interpretation , but here They had absolutely no intent to answers any questions and worse, They Intentionally wrote specific scenes and Plot points so theres no way to answer any questions.

The whole Sub-Plot of his uncle being a magicians and revealing He's knows the art of Illusion....was of course put in there to make you question and for you to have in the back of your mind, wait Him walking on water could have been an illusion...

But tricks like this in writing only works if its to benefit the story or to build to a pay off or answer

They never had any intentions in even remotely revealing if he was real or if he was faking

The End sequence is among the most DISHONEST writing I've ever seen.

The end with the sequence where theres a plain crash and somehow The Messiah has survived UNINJURED in any way....we the see The Kid explain "He raised the other survivors from the dead"

But The WRITERS Just had to Throw in the scene in The beginning of the episode where The scene was intentionally written to make it look like the kid was a "Liar" or "exaggerated stories" when he was talking about the Lions

So the writers couldnt even give you a HONEST ending, Instead they leave us with "Hey The Plane crashed, it seems very unlikely 3 people could have survived and 1 in the Messiah seemed to have survived with any injury at all, but "DONT TRUST it because the kid may be lying as we showed earlier in the episode this kid MAY be a Liar or have an wild imagination"

Its seriously pathetic

to go to that level of deception, to literally intentionally write Sub-plots and excuses that have NO OTHER purpose than to Make it impossible for you to answer any questions or know whats real...

IN GOOD writing The "Magic/Illusion" and "Kid with a possible wild imagination" tricks are there so it gives you another Potentional OPTION to consider other than he's really The Messiah, In good writing They would be put in to give EVERYTHING he does another Possible explanation to Make you WONDE

but what makes The "Magic/Illusion" and "Kid with a possible wild imagination" tricks so awful is IT DOESNT explain EVERYTHING ....there are many things he does that could NOT be explained by The "Magic/Illusion" trick writing

for me Its clear based on everything else that happens that He is really the Messiah....

the "Magic/Illusion" misdirection writing simply doesnt explain everything The Messiah does...specifically The Weather Phenomenons that happened, His abilty to sense "supernatural" things(The Dog trapped nearly a mile away which he could NOT have possibly heard, yet He somehow knew exactly where it was and the exact moment the owners found it) or his abilty to read People perfectly and KNOW things that were Impossible for him to know(the Prostitute, The Boy that was killed by Aviram , and Eva in during the interrogation)

It doesnt matter how schooled he is in the art Magic/Illusion, It wouldnt help in Literally stopping a tornado from destroying a church, surviving a Plane crash without a scratch, coincidentally being arrested and on trail in front of a judge who just so happened to be having a crisis of faith due to learning hes dying of cancer or his Superhuman abilty to Know things about people

Its absolutely insulting what the writers did here...

also I may have missed this, But did it even remotely try to answer the question of why the Messiah "came for Rebecca"....He repeats it multiple times....He literally appears out of nowhere from across worlds, stops a tornado, travel cross country with their family, Its clear He was thee FOR Her....Yet we never even remotely get an answer of why and what her purpose was(or maybe I missed it?)


You summed it up perfectly.


Glad to see you back in the swing of things, bill.

I hope all is well with you.


Indeed. I knew from the start that they would always leave it up for being either way. I considered that a given for a TV show. However, they did it poorly.

I loved the first few episodes. Filled with menace and a Homeland style of gravity. Really did a good job. Then they started the merry-go-round of directors and writers per episode and it suffered. Il Masih was calm and collected (actor did a great job) but in one episode directed by some newcomer, he was suddenly unsure and nervous. Other characters would behave very differently than established as well. The FBI guy was obviously sexually interested in our CIA hero but then transforms into a repressed gay man when a new writer/director stepped in. Sloppy. Smells like producer meddling mid-production.

Started as an A+ show but quickly became a more standard C show. Won't watch season 2.
