Loved the comic

Back during the Chuck Dixon and Gail Simone years, this comic book was fantastic. Looks like they are botching it to me.

Shoe Horning Harley in is lame but I get it, She is a huge draw for DC. She was never a member (although I'll bet they made her one recently).

Adding Rene Montoya is also weak. She isn't a superhero. Now if they make her The Question then it is a little better but looks like they are simply adding in a regular detective Montoya. We know why.

There have been many members of the BoP and several of them would fit all manner of diversity requirements enforced by current entertainment brass. There was no need to cast Canary thus. The crew aught to have been Black Canary, Huntress, and Catwoman (cast her with a black actress since there is precedent) with a few guest appearances like Harley and Power Girl.

Looks like this is going to be CW caliber crap. I guess if it makes money then it is """good"""
The new Titans show is pretty popular despite being garbage. I hope this somehow is better. But from the data so far ... another wasted property. Suicide Squad was also a great comic.
