This better be better than the Birds of Prey TV show

The TV show was cheesy. And that's all I have to say for now.




Yeah but it gave us Ashley Scott. Whatever happened to her anyhow?


She was in something called "UnREAL" in 2015.


I wouldn't place any bets on it being good. The TV show was horrible. The comic was great in its day (I'm led to understand that it has gone sour of late) and I don't think that it can be faithfully done in this era. I used to be that guy that would watch absolutely every single comic book movie or show. Getting easier to skip them lately.

They really should have kept it simple and had only Canary, Huntress, and Oracle fighting Calculator, Blockbuster, Lady Shiva, Cheshire, or Deathstroke. A good detective/action romp. This is probably the opposite of what we'll get.
