Forbes: 'Birds Of Prey will make well below Men In Black: International, Terminator: Dark Fate and Dark Phoenix'

Even if Birds of Prey snags a $90 million domestic finish and maintains the split, it’ll still end its run with $217 million worldwide, well below the $251-$262 million likes of Men In Black: International, Terminator: Dark Fate and Dark Phoenix.

Birds of Prey cost closer to the $110 million MIB4 than the $185-$200 million X-Men and Terminator sequels, but nobody’s expecting MIB5. As feared from the start, Margot Robbie’s choice to go with an R-rating may have been the right artistic decision, and it may earn WB kudos for respecting their filmmakers’ wishes, but it backfired commercially. The film locked out younger Harley Quinn and DC Comics fans, failed to stand out from the R-rated female-led fantasy action flicks already in existence (Atomic Blonde, Resident Evil, Lucy, Underworld, etc.) and ended up being another R-rated biggie amid a sea of early-2020 R-rated biggies like 1917, Bad Boys For Life and Invisible Man. Any hope of assuring parents that older kids could handle the R-rated action comedy were rendered null-and-void when Sonic the Hedgehog overperformed


I read it cost $82-85 million? What gives?


both deadline and variety are reporting The Budget went up to 100 M

and The Break Even point is 300 M

Theres ZERO chance BOP break even....

I did Math after Opening Weekend and figured BOP would end up around 250 M World Wide, which is about 90 to 100 Million Million domestically and About 150 Million Overseas....

A recent box office analyst posted this tweet yesterday-

Gitesh Pandya
Feb 16
Intl #boxoffice total for #BirdsOfPrey
is now up to $83.6M raising the global tally to $142.9M. With Japan still to open, a final worldwide gross of around $260M seems likely for #HarleyQuinn

So Basically, BOP is a Massive Flop and Disastrous Misfire for WB....WB is going to lose around 40 to 50 M+ on the film depending on Just how much Back end money they got to Pay out to Margot Robbie for Starring and Producing the film...

@ HarlemEagle42 May want to stop reading from here on out, Just want to warn you I'm now going off on a Queen rant to further illustrate BOPs failure, You Probably arent interested in what comes next....

I think if we are really to understand just how awful this, we should look no further than Queen's own words and past trolling-

lol I remember Queen was actually Trolling about and claiming Ant-Man 2's 75 Million+ OW, 215 M+ domestic gross and 620 M + World Wide Gross was "Disappointing"....

lol If we apply Queen's same standards and expectations....A 33 M OW, Sub 100 M domestic total and Sub 270 Million box office total....can only looked as a total failure...I mean what else could you call WB failing to literally Make HALF of the total box office of Disney/The MCUs weakest film

Further more, we also got Shazam...which also barely made HALF of Disney/The MCU's weakest franchise, But what really Makes both Shazam and BOP is Queen's expectations....

BOP was supposed to be the start of a "Supernova" HOT box office schedule for DC films

and Shazam disastrously fell to meet ALL of Queens Predictions which included, guarantees of a 75 to 100 M OW, 250 M+ Domestically and 625 M+ World Wide

Bottom Line I cant look at BOP and Shazam's box office failure without Thinking about Just How much More of a failure they are when we apply Queen's standards he set based on Past Trolling....

Yes in the real world, Shazam resulted in No Profit for WB and BOP will lose WB around 50 M

But man, when we look them through Queens "expectations/standards"....we have 2 films that Failed astonishingly hard

sorry for the queen rant.....



Okay yeah...uh Shazam is not a box office failure. It grossed $366M which is more than enough to break even its $100M budget. That's why they're making a second one. As for Birds of Prey, yeah it'll probably make around $200-250M tops before its run ends, falling short? Perhaps. I can see it recouping through rentals.


Ummm...bill? According to you, marketing costs don't count against profitability, remember?

So using your idiotic financial model would put the breakeven point at around 200 million.

Remember..."marketing costs are paid for by home media"?



Also, bill, using YOUR financial model Shazam's breakeven point is 180 million which means about 90 million in profit.

What an idiot.



Go woke go broke




*puts on ignore*


I really thought this would do better.


I think the R-Rating might have backfired as well. Joker can pull it off, as that's one of the most famous villains ever who needs no introduction.

While some know Harley Quinn, quite a few may not. To go and make an R-Rated movie and assuming people would arrive in droves may not have been the right move after all. They could've preserved most of the raunchy dialogue and quirky humor, and simply toned down the violence to PG-13 level so that more people could watch it.

edit -- I just thought of Deadpool and why that one worked as an R-Rated film with a fairly (at the time) unknown character. I would also say the marketing for Deadpool (trailers, ads) were much better than Birds of Prey. The ads for Birds of Prey don't seem to sketch out the other characters well, and I heard from those that saw it that the film doesn't really do much more.
