MovieChat Forums > Stuber (2019) Discussion > Possibly worth renting/checking out...

Possibly worth renting/checking out...

I liked it somewhat (trailer). I mean I do know of the familiarity with Dave Bautista (Batista) since I used to watch/like WWE wrestling, but I don't plan on just making the decision to watch only on him being in it. But apparently it has okay-ish reviews overall so it probably wouldn't be really bad or such. Haven't really seen any new comedies recently so it could be enjoyable.

It's not like I have super/unrealistically high standards or "taste" for a movie in general.

If I happen to see it at Redbox or something like that, I might consider getting it.

Doesn't seem really popular though given how dead this board has been.


I rented it and didn't feel riped off from it. It isn't a go see in the theater worth movie but fine to rent.


Kumail carries this movie.

Bautista(?) has the acting range of young Arnold Schwarzenegger. He sucks, but paired with Kumail, actually has some funny moments.

The movie is stupid, but humorous. Dont go in expecting anything but dumb fun, and you should be alright.

I laughed out loud a few times.
