MovieChat Forums > For All Mankind (2019) Discussion > Do I need to keep watching?

Do I need to keep watching?

I'm only on season 1 episode 2 but so far this just seems to be a meandering alternative-history, neoprogressive political narrative that goes out of the way to bring out the worst elements of the space program. Is this pretty much how it's going to go for the next 28 episodes?


For All Mankind is very good at doing Space Disasters.
It is not good at interpersonal relationships.
It is very good at Cold War tension.
The social message stuff doesn't bother me. It is alternate history and goes to interesting places.
Worth watching.


I like it, my favorite AppleTV show. I like the blend of real world and alt-world politics.

I watch some of the AppleTV movies, but For All Mankind is the only show I would subscribe just to see. Foundation is not bad but has nothing to do with the source novels, otherwise it is interesting scifi too.


It is an interesting alternate history. But I think they misrepresented the Slayton and Collins characters a bit.

Slayton refused to be involved with the selection of NASA group 8 astronauts; he is involved with the selectin of "Nixon's Women". In his biography, Collins made it clear that he would return to Earth alone if Armstrong and Aldrin died on the lunar surface, unlike what his character was ready to do in the TV show.

The chauvinism of Glenn appeared to be exactly right. Von Braun's character seems to stand in for several other NASA officials in addition to his own as he was not part of Apollo astronaut selection or crew assignments.

You can look forward to astronauts behaving badly in some of the future episodes.


I'm about half way through the second season and my interest is really starting to wane. I'll likely make it to season three but if the show continues to be more of the same I doubt I'll see much of it. The show just seems to be too much wash-rinse-repeat to me with the string of endless drama of the astronauts. I really didn't foresee this being Days of Our Lives with a little bit of space thrown into the mix.
