MovieChat Forums > Hereditary (2018) Discussion > The utility pole it should h...

The utility pole it should have been written (SPOILER)

It's silly that an MD's family wouldn't carry Epipens in the car when they have a little girl with severe nut allergies. Here's how the scene should have been written:

-Charlie starts feeling sick at the party
-Peter begins to drive her to the hospital
-She starts getting real bad in the car and sticks her head out the window
-Peter frantically yells to charlie that he's going to find the Epipen and give it to her to inject herself and she needs to get back in the car
-He reaches across the dash while driving to rummage in the glove box for the Epipen
-He finds the Epipen but it falls to the floor
-He looks away to grab for the Epipen (remember he's stoned, freaking out and wants to get to the hospital so he doesn't stop)
-Car starts drifting slightly to the right as he reaches with his right hand for the Epipen.
-He finally grabs the Epipen
-He looks back at the road in time to correct his drift but then sees the dead animal
-He swerves to avoid the carcass and hits the utility pole!

That said, i think that movies that kill off little children like this for effect are cheap and take basically take shots below the belt. The is one of the most underwhelming movie I've seen in a long time.


If there was a Epipen in the glove why wouldn't he use it the moment they get inside the car after leaving the party?


He was drinking and panicked, maybe even forgot it was there as he was trying to rush her to the hospital. BTW, did you love this movie?


very underwhelming


Very dumb. If you have an EpiPen you’re going to use it immediately before you do anything else and then worry about driving to the hospital. You won’t start driving and then decide you’re gonna rummage for it.


This is so dumb and text book cliche. No thanks.




Yet, my honest opinion.
Take it or leave it.


No. The message from the movie is that the parents neglected their children. No having the pen in the car is par for the course for them.
