MovieChat Forums > Fyre Fraud (2019) Discussion > Imo this film is better than netflix doc

Imo this film is better than netflix doc

If you found the netflix film compelling, you should definitely see the hulu film, too. Having watched both, back to back (netflix first), I think seeing both is even better than watching one or the other. Seeing both gives a more complete picture.

Netflix does a better job of showing the Bahamians who were exploited and stiffed for their hard work.

Hulu does a better job showing more depth and details about Billy, Magnises, Fyre, etc., with more backgroind info and commentary about Billy, Grant, and others involved in the scam. Additionally, Hulu really illustrates how the culture of millenials, social media, fomo, etc. all played a role in the scam.

Imo one of the most interesting aspects of Hulu's doc was the background about @f*ckjerry and their role in the scam.


I watched it last night, and watched the Netflix film on Sunday.

It's interesting to see how the same story can be told so differently by different filmmakers. Stylistically, they are VERY different. Content-wise they are different as well, with the Netflix doc having a more focused (but also more limited) story, and the Hulu doc telling a broader story but feeling less focused as a consequence. They complement each other well.

At the end of the day I preferred the Netflix doc--it overall just felt like a more mature and engrossing film--but the Hulu doc was good as well.

Regarding FuckJerry, even after seeing both docs I still don't feel like I fully understand what their role was, and how complicit they really were. At the end of the day, they were a marketing company hired by McFarland. I'm not sure they knew the festival wasn't going to come together.


I believe JerryMedia knew it would be a shitshow and that they couldn’t deliver on their promises, as seen in both documentaries. I think they had their fingers crossed that something might come together at the last minute, but they knew it couldn’t possibly deliver what it promised.

I preferred this documentary for the informational aspects because info is more important to me than style. (My own personal preference.) And considering that the netflix version was made by JerryMedia, it was self-serving as well as slickly done, as one would expect from an experienced promotional company.


To each their own...I thought the Netflix docu was better. Will admit, wasn’t keen on the Hulu docu paying a con man $250,000 to go on camera.


Well the netflix doc was made by JerryMedia who painted their own role in a much better light and got paid by netflix to do it.

The hulu doc paid Billy, but they didn’t go easy on him and in fact, the interviews showed what a liar he is.


Just watched the Netflix doc. If Hulu's is better, I'll be impressed.

Wild story.
