Wells Fargo

I worked for wells Fargo for a couple years. My wife is an accountant for Wells Fargo. We knew a lot of these people and their antics. The story glosses over a lot of facts (specifically between 2008 and 2016) in which the Government actually incentivized bad behavior of the banks while paying them billions in taxpayer dollars. When the Hispanic lady was suggesting that she act as an interpreter, she was actually suggesting that the bank represent both the client and the bank in a transaction (which is not legal). That's why Wells Fargo insists upon having translators from outside the company do translation work so there's no conflict of interest. The blacked out gentleman was caught doing the wrong thing and got angry that wells fargo wouldn't back him up. The Iraqi guy became a political activist and shirked his duties. All these members were moved around to help them get out of a "hostile environment," but became so incensed with anger that they didn't actually work to help customers. So, they became leftwing activists which pays much more than wells fargo.

As for Warren's accusation of massive abuse through stock increases, that's actually a democrat led issue with the bailout. By 2009, the stock dropped to $8 a share from $45. After the bailout, the stock rose back up to $48. Without the bailout, the stock wouldn't have jumped like that. She advocated for that action and now complains because she did the opposite of her intention. She has no footing to complain.
Maxine Waters was a hilarious addition. That crazy representative doesn't even know what she's talking about half the time. So using her as a point was particularly funny.

The real problem was the fact that branches overreached and lied about their customer service. When they were caught. They blamed their bosses and CEOS. In reality, most employees who dont work in branches heard as about this, it was a shock because it goes against the company standard. Now, WF is just a whipping boy for the democrats.


Nice post.


It's too long a post. But, my wife and Iwere annoyed by the episode.


I prefer long ones, especial personal ones, over one words or Forgettable ones.
