MovieChat Forums > Dark Places, Deadly Illusions (2021) Discussion > Seriously, DO NOT BOTHER....horrible mov...

Seriously, DO NOT BOTHER....horrible movie, horrible

Do not waste 2 hrs of your life on this, otherwise, you will be wishing just like me for those two hours back.

This thing is a pretentious cliched piece of crap.

This thing is terrible. K. Davis' acting is atrocious....from trying to smoke a cigar to come off as an intelligent character. (Ps...if you are a perv and just want to see some skin, Google it or go to some celeb nudie site).


I wish I read this first I just watched it😣
What a load of crap, worst film iv ever seen, and iv seen coming 2 America.


All the movies really suck now. It's like since everything is going to on-demand, the studios are taking this opportunity to make some of the worst movies ever made. These movies are worse than the B movies I used to watch on the USA network back in the 90s. I just tried to watch a movie called Phobias, and it was so bad I had to turn it off after about 30 minutes. I am now just watching older movies until the face diapers come off, theaters open fully, and the SCAMdemic is over. That will have to happen before good movies will return.


So True...

It's very much a b-movie, with very poor acting from the main actress, Kirstin Davis... Somehow, the movie seems to have a very made for TV feel... Very different from movies like The Girl on a Train, Chloe, or Orphan which share some similar themes but are better made and feel more cinematic.

The thing is, I wouldn't mind the b-movie premise if it was done well, but the last third of the movie is just muddled.


You think the pandemic caused bad movies? LOL. Clearly you're an idiot so it's a waste of time even replying but Netflix pumping out low budget movies has nothing to do with movie theaters being open.


Are you that fucking stupid to not realize that when companies like Warner Bros said all their 2021 movies are going to go straight to "on-demand" at the same time they are released in theaters won't hurt movie profits you're as dumb as you come off as. Yeah, that's right, that's the reason why directors like Christopher Nolan, and others are complaining that it will hurt their ability to make money. If they have less incentive to get blockbuster profits, guess what genius?! Yeah, that's right, they make more water down garbage with less budget. Wow, you're dumb af aren't you? Now go strap on your self-suffocating device, and keep believing the garbage CONvid hype while you eat your chips watching trash movies, and think they're the same as they were pre-pandemic. Loser.


You're kind of a dick, aren't you


Yeah, esp when people insult me first.


Now go strap on your self-suffocating device, and keep believing the garbage CONvid hype

What an incredible idiotic individual.


You're conflating multiple unrelated issues. Streamers need cheap content which has been the case from day one. Blockbuster movies need to make money in theaters which has also been the case from day one. "Bad movies" come in all forms and at all different price points. The movie you watched, which you're commenting on the board for, was a cheaply made, straight-to-Netflix movie which would have never come out in theaters regardless. The pandemic has nothing to do with this movie being bad. If you're worried about bad movies in theaters, the time to worry about that was about 10 years ago when studios started steering away from original concepts and investing more into established audiences (i.e. sequels, franchises, etc.) Also would love to see the stats for surgeons who suffocated mid-surgery due to their masks? Feel free to drop that link when you get a chance.


Surgeons and dentists change their masks out every hour or so, but the produce manager at my local market is still wearing the same dirty diaper on his face since this all started. On top of that, he's touching it constantly, and then touching all the produce. It's unsanitary to say the least, and yea, sucking his own spit all day is not breathing fresh air, so it IS a form of slight suffocation.
Regarding movies, I get what you're saying about all the sequels, etc, but ever since the lockdown, I noticed a SEVERE drop movie quality. I watched a TON of movies hot off the presses over the last few years, and there was a marked drop in quality right after 2019 ended, and you'll never convince me otherwise.


This is the most embarrassing comment I've ever read on this site. You really tried so hard to be edgy whilst sounding like you're quoting facebook friends who went to the "university of life" and Fox News. You sound like an overly sensitive, easily led, imbecile. And I'm not mad about it, honestly. It gave me a good laugh at least.




What ticked me off was that this turd was recommended by and until recently, has been somewhat reliable in their "Skip It or Stream It" recommendations.


I will take your word for it but it sounds good:

"After a bestselling novelist suffering from writer's block hires a new nanny for her children, the line between fiction and reality starts to blur."


No kidding, this movie isn't even a good B movie copy of a B movie. It's that bad.....


I wish I'd read this 2 hours ago 😪
