Film of the year

Wow, what an amazing film and the lead actress was truly incredible. She is definitely one to watch out for in her future projects. Truly terrific film overall nothing else comes close this year.


I agree with everything you say. I will be watching it once again tomorrow. People are going to hate this movie for the most part.


Your 3rd sentence is why its not close to movie of the year. It covers what it needs to but is FAR from an amazing masterpiece. People over acting crazy does not an amazing film make. And it didn't do very much overall... one tiny plot and done.

Lot of pointless droning on about nothing in it. Should be editing down by half hour or more.


Lol you just didn’t understand and appreciate the movie.


not sure what you dont think I understand, I found it quite simplistic. The ending total explains it all. What don't I understand? I get the DEPTH of that character, his situation, etc... I should relate to him VERY WELL looking at MY personal life, I GET it, I just don't think anything qualifies it as film of the year.

It can be film of the year to any individuals, that only makes sense. But like regionally or nationally, it REALLY isn't all that good. Time will tell the truth here.


That is your opinion, but I found a lot of interesting things in it. Never bored and I will watch a few more times. The reasons people will hate it is one, they think it is going to be some love story/rom com and two, because it is difficult to grasp a lot of what is going on here. Finally, I am only speaking for myself when I am talking about this movie being the best I have seen so far and really don't care what the masses think. I am only commenting on it. I don't have to agree with everyone else.


Opinions are never wrong. The OP should specify "Film of the year" for whom. If for them, yes, that makes sense.
I feel it is easy to see that ETERNAL SUNSHINE had a lot more going for it than we find here. As far as globally pleasing closer to film of the year.

Just MY opinions. With perspectives backed by stats.


I only saw it as something I personally enjoyed and not something the masses would like. This film will be hated, but I still feel that it is one of the best movies I have seen this year. Very much like David Lynch. Reminds me a little of Mulholland Drive. Anyhow, only my opinion matters when it comes to me. I really don't care much about what others think, unless people want to actually give a critical review of the movie instead of opinions that are no more than a few sound bytes.


thumbs up, respect :)


shit movie, horrible lead actress






Fake News


Which year tho?
