Look how they massacred my boy..

This is the most sterile adaptation I've ever seen.

There is zero heart in this. I barely even know these kids, they're just caricatures.. I really want to like them, and the kids do a fine acting job, but there is nothing there.

Also, barely any hockey. Even when they do play hockey, it's just zoomed-in shots of a stick hitting a puck into a net. There is no suspense in the games, which was a staple of the movies. The games were intense and action-packed, and actually added to the story.

180 degree character flips each episode. Kid is righteous, kid becomes a douche for half an episode, and then righteous again. Mom is righteous, becomes a douche for half an episode, and then back to righteous again.

Token black kid (1 minute of screen time per show) is sad for half an episode, then a 30 second speech later, he's fine. Weird video game kid is sad for half an episode, then he's fine

The two girls are fighting for half an episode, and then fine..

Even the "reunion" episode was pathetic. No emotional moments whatsoever.

And what a waste of Gordon Bombay..Is Emilio that busy these days?

I'm on episode 8, out of morbid curiosity. I'll probably finish it, because I always do with series, but I can't say I'll be invested in another season of this.

Why did they do this? There was already a formula in place that worked. Why not focus each episode on different characters, so we actually get to know them? Why not show them actually playing hockey and becoming a team on the ice like the movies did so well?


Valid points. Entertainment seems to be secondary to a checkmark list of wokeness, PC, and PSAs.


Oh kewl, another salty AF reich wing manbaby whining about the usual and of course throwing his lazy klanservstive approved buzzwords — waa waa woke! How edgy and totally original. Keep crying bigot chuds.


seethes about hearing the unoriginal word Woke
Uses the unoriginal word Chud



Ok, besides maybe the kid with 2 moms, who are rarely referenced, what "wokeness" are you referring to?

That wasn't even on the list of my critiques about the show.


The whole rainbow coalition of players, who are just there to fill a quota. The whole idea that, hey why compete if you can't win, so just be happy being lovable losers instead of, god forbid, TRYING to better yourselves. That would be a huge slap in the face to every lil kid who insists they are the opposite gender, or dumb (usually both).


Did you ever watch the Mighty Ducks movies?

There were kids from different ethnic backgrounds, genders and levels of popularity on the teams..

And they are trying to better themselves. That was the point of the entire episode when they got their asses kicked, and then went back on the ice after the game to practice.

Now I'm left defending this show.. lmao


The old movie did it right. Well somewhat. Jesse was a terrible actor and character and his brother was useless. But they werent just cardboard cut outs placed in frame to make sure an angry mob doesnt form outside of Disney Studios.


It’s really quite simple, because Disney wants to push an agenda on its audience.

We’re not supposed to care for any of the characters, they only exist to check off woke boxes and push the narrative that females are just as strong and good at sports as males are.

Why isn’t Gordon Bombay coaching the team? Because Disney wants to show us that a woman can do just as good of a job.

Shouldn’t the preppy looking boy be the best one on the team? Heck no, let’s have him not even know how to skate and instead let the best player be an Indian girl, we need to show that females are on the same level as males.

While we’re also at it how about we throw in a kid who has 2 moms cuz cuz it’s integral to the plot somehow. Yeah this show is complete trash.


Thanks. I already regret making this post.


Lol, poor you. Petty. But yeah, yeah… the old flicks were superior in every way, they were set up flawlessly, they touched the hearts of audiences like a true heart-wrenching drama would, they simply weren’t trash like this modern continuation that was handled by basically the same exact people as the original flicks, and I bet the revisionist reactionaries would say they were edgy and could offend the woke boogeyman (in contrast to this new series which, like any modern Disney IP and most films and shows today, naturally trigger the projecting sensitive broken record reich wing manbabies cuz it didn’t pander to their truly safe space-living asses like a myriad of films and shows did for decades). Hah!

Well, apart from other non-agendist nostalgists always complaining about their childhood being ruined and the typical projecting reich wing mediocre white bros spewing their tired anti-leftist fear mongering, it’s great to know most people (both old & new fans) have embraced this delightful show and couldn’t disagree more with takes like this! (That’s judging by the reviews and general audience response, btw. And token black kid in a franchise that was never predominantly white? Smh, please.) Yup, that’s what actual open-minded folks who come to this reich wing-infested site should always keep in mind as they see virtuallt most new films and shows on these boards getting heavily criticized — this site far from represents the majority. Duh, that should be obvious regardless of the propaganda the fiercely anti-woke (red pill dorks) mob spreads. Woke! Woke! Yesterday it was communists destroying ‘Murica and society according to the reich, today it’s… well, apparently still the communists but they get branded different buzzwords. Obvs “SJW” is no longer the go-to for deranged fascist maga scum; just wait until they start using another buzzword they’ll cry about and beat to death.

With that out of the way, I guess to be fair to those who have valid criticisms of this show and aren’t simply whining about their bigot regressive values not being reflected and welcomed in entertainment (and society) today by many, good on you. Not many of you on here, but you’re around I suppose. To the many other boring detractors with a real agenda: bleh


Was this directed towards me, or a fictional character making an argument inside of your own head?

You addressed only one of my criticisms, but in a weird way, because I felt the "token black" character actually needed more screen time.

Your seem really worked-up, and your thoughts are all over the place.


I really regret making this thread.

Apparently everything just turns into political word vomit on this site now.

I'll await a few more responses, and if it continues I'll just delete the post.

Good god, people. I came here to discuss the show. I dont care about your fucking political views.


I'm really surprised by how negative you are about it. I really didn't expect much from the show and thought the first episode was pretty corny but I stuck with it and it turned out fantastic. Keep in mind, this isn't a movie and they're for sure going to look to do another season. So they're kinda laying the foundation to start with and not giving everything like they would in a movie. I really loved the way it wrapped up. I personally loved when the OG Ducks showed up too that was terrific nostalgia and a real joy to see.

So for you to feel this way I just don't think this show is for you. As for these political mopes, yea they're everywhere with their nonsense. You almost play into it with the "token black kid" which plays into the hands of those people.
