Good fun.

I've put this off for a long time as most of the internet was dunking on this film calling it stupid, made by an algorithm, mid as fuck, CGI bullshit etc, etc.

It was always one I had an eye on though because Gal is a babe. Well low and behold it's a great little movie. The three leads have good chemistry, the jokes are actually decent, it's action packed and fast paced with solid CGI.

It does exactly what it says on the tin. Not sure what some people are wanting from an action-comedy. I can only surmise that those people dunking on it are the 'cinephile' crew who worship Bergman, Kurosawa & Tarkovsky. They consider cinema an 'art form' and turn their nose up at the entertainment side of the business.

I watched this alongside Fast X last night, this was better. So a Netflix original besting a $700 million grossing blockbuster is good going.


Yeah it's a solid time-waster. But it could had been better. I actually think the CGI and green-screen look terrible.
