Pleasantly surprised

I was surprised to actually really enjoy this movie. It reminds me of World Without End but also like a Braveheart spin-off. Very enjoyable.



I was so looking forward to watching this...and then I heard nothing good about it, so I didn't bother.
Maybe now I'll give it a shot.


Definitley. 8/10 IMO. I went in with no expectations as it was a free Redbox. It’s basically about a family that takes Robert in at his lowest point. For a lower budget film the cinematography was excellent and the characters were actually quite good. It’s very different from a lot of movies of recent years, slower and contemplative. Makes the action and stakes more exciting actually.


same here! now i want to check it out. Pretty cool that angus was able to play this role again


I read all the neg reviews on imdb and thought, meh, nah.. but then ended up watching it..

I actually thought it was a damn good movie, to be honest. I've not seen braveheart. but it was a lot better than I expected. A mate asked me to dowwnl.. I mean buy it for him, so thats the only reason I came across it really...

good spend of the night.
