Magician and mint

It looked like he put silly putty on his neck with the mint inside.


How do you know sir ?


?? Using my eyes, that’s what it looked like when they showed it up close. There looked to be a lot of extra “skin” right there on his neck during that moment and he didn’t seem to have that extra skin (folds of it) at other times.


What about the chair thing


Didn’t watch that. This show just happened to be on after survivor and saw the magician before turning it off. Don’t care for the show with the over emoting of shock & surprised wonderment of everything.


How is the new survivor ? What’s the big theme this time?


It was the first epi, and just ok. The Big Change is when someone gets voted off, way away from others, they have a choice to permanently leave the game, or go to an island to possibly come back into the game. First person voted out decided to go to that island. Unsure how they will be able to come back.


Sounds like a vacation


I saw some photos online where there is supposed to be next to nothing on the shelter, and the isle almost “disappears” during high tide.
