MovieChat Forums > The Hunt (2020) Discussion > I hate pointless waste of time sicko mov...

I hate pointless waste of time sicko movies like this

a lot. Enjoying a movie about hunting humans is like telling the audience it is ok to enjoy hunting humans.


It sure is obviously meaningless to see.


Eh some of them are enjoyable


and you'll watch it just like all the other "movies like this" you complain about


It was fun. Betty G. is my bee favorite action star. I needed to get out of the house,it served it's purpose.


Perverted Hollywood stuff.

I haven't seen much of anything about an awesome man or woman doing positive adventurous things in decades. Only superhero movies cover that topic.


Yes. That is exactly what it’s telling us.


It's not okay to hunt humans? Didn't realize that. Movies like this brainwashed me into think it was okay.

Surrrrrrrrrre it did. All the way back to the original story using this plot, The Most Dangerous Game. Books, cave paintings, comics, movies, video games. They're all the same. They all tell people it's okay to kill people. We should ban all fictional stories, art of any kind, in fact. People kill people only as a result of seeing movies, reading books, and playing video games. Never mind the underlying message usually built into those stories indicating such behavior is actually a bad thing, or espousing a broader message, usually through satire (just like this movie). That part doesn't matter. People are stupid monkeys and if they see one person kill another they'll go repeat it.

Or could it be that this movie doesn't actually suggest it's okay to kill people? That it in fact satirizes how absurd the notion is?


This is what we are down to in horror. Just terra-gallons of blood and guts. In the greatest horror film ever made, there was ONE killing during "The Shining." And, it was shot from a ways back, just like the dead twins flashback.
