MovieChat Forums > The Hunt (2020) Discussion > Would have been way better if the main g...

Would have been way better if the main girl wasn't Rambo

I get it is satire and all that, but wouldn't it have been better without the main actress being a badass?

They almost got it with the stereotypes like neo-nazis, alt-right, trophy hunters, and homophobes or whatever on one side, with ultra-feminists, tree huggers, and white guilt warriors on the other (along with a really annoyed consultant/hunter teaching them how to find their prey). However, the hunt itself wasn't much of a hunt - maybe 15 minutes of screentime.

Suddenly it turns into Rambo 2 with this one woman who can slaughter a room full of people in seconds.

So close...


It might have worked if they had used a guy instead of a girl. But the whole, she was ex-military that had seen action in the Afghan war didn't make much sense. Not until 2018 did all areas of the military even allow women in combat yet she's rambling on about what she experienced in the afghan war... what was it being a nurse somewhere? Clearly we are supposed to think that she was in some special forces type group considering all her fighting skills in the movie... It might have passed the laugh test if it had been a white trash redneck guy... but the role played by a woman didn't work.


The female Rambo has become the most common trope in modern western cinema.

It's gonna age very bad. Once the trend passes, in a few decades, current movies will be completely unwatchable.


She was too good. Her moves looked like Navy Seals or something. Even Jason Bourne would be taken aback. I couldn't see someone who served a few years in the Afghan war learning the insanely complex moves she was pulling off. But then, I guess this isn't really the type of movie worth thinking too hard on.


Hee hee hee hee! Hard on.


The first time she's on screen, I wanted to look up her InstaGram Fitness Model account.


A female protagonist was fine but I agree that making her Rambo was a mistake. Apart from the level of suspension of disbelief required to accept this small framed woman as a hardened military bad ass, I think it would have worked better from a narrative perspective with a character more out of her element, forced to find creative and resourceful ways to survive.


I wasn't too bothered by it either way (even though I staunchly hate the badass female trope now) only because she was a sociopath and a killer. She never stopped to ask or assess WHY those people had to die (including the old couple in the gas station).

If you think of her more of as a PTSD serial killer set about to foil the Liberal Elites, it begins to make more sense.


What makes her Rambo?


The fact that she's your worst nightmare


The whole point is she was the wrong Crystal. If she isn't a military bad ass, there's no movie.


at this point, killing off characters we think are the main heroes within the first 20min of film has become so cliche it pretty much ruined the movie for me.

i enjoyed the Rambo ass kicking but again.. felt very much done before.
