MovieChat Forums > Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard (2021) Discussion > This movie was great! I'll fight anyone ...

This movie was great! I'll fight anyone who sez different.

After just watching Ryan Reynolds in the CGI, laugh vaccuum that was Red Notice, this movie had to shine by comparison. The sight gags here had me in stitches, e.g. the scene where all three pass out Human Centipede style, and the flyboard goons right out of a James Bond flick. Brice's deadpan comment to that was howlingly funny and on point.


Yes RR was funny and the adoption ending was hilarious


I thought the movie started out trying to hard to up the first movie. They over did and forced what was good in first movie. I didn't like the beginning because of this. But it got better and became a decent sequel.


I enjoyed it well enough.

It's not a great film, and I took two sittings to get through it, but Salma Hayek is a lot of fun and gives an outstanding performance, and some of the jokes were amusing.

On the action front it's pretty pedestrian. I don't think even once I said to myself, "This is a cool action scene," but it's really more of a comedy than it is an action movie, and if you go into it just looking for some amusement you can enjoy the film.


I loved this movie I thought it was a really funny sequel and that ending was absolutely hilarious. The adoption bit was just great and the scene In the credits was so so funny. I would love to see a third one. Will he be Michael Kincaid now lol
