They are all stupid

Ruins Jared's marriage, dumps him, finds irrational love in a dieing stranger (Zeke)

Rejected by Mick, betrayed by Mick, screwed by Mick, helps Mick upon request, EVERY TIME

Is taken in by Cal's family, proceeds to act super weird forcing herself as a member and nearly killing the family's new born

Knows Angelina nearly killed his sister and burned his parents house down. Proceeds to take advice from her anyway and betrays his family, IN THE SAME DAY

The baby
Just give her time

Wants everything to be normal, proceeds to dump normal life with Danny, infuriating her daughter, jeopardizing her life and family chasing Ben's visions

Manipulating asshole, everything has to be done his way

F#ck you Egan

Best character in the show, bad ass mofo authority, acts like a puppy for Ben

Is given every chance to work on her dreams, proceeds to throw an invaluable piece of humanity's legacy into a fire (Noah's ark wood)

The Yoko Ono of the show

Continues to watch and complain about this miserable show


You're right about all these things, especially the baby.

Regarding your last statement, I'm in the same silly boat (no pun intended).


You've summed everyone up pretty damn well. And I also can't stop watching.

Edited: I don't know what season you're on but as the show progresses, the characters become more and more likable. I think that's a big reason I like the show so much.

I just finished season 4, part 1, and thought it was excellent. At the end it says the final episodes are coming in 2023. So unfortunately it's ending with season 4, part 2, as it's being called.


Well thanks, I'm watching the show right now but had a calling to come here for some reason. I guess the characters improved a little bit, still, traces of who ever wrote these are ever present, like

End of season 3 Cal
"It's OK mom I know what to do now"

Season 4 Cal
Proceeds not knowing what to do

Also season 4 Cal
*coughs blood profusely *
"it's probably nothing"

There were even hints that Mick has feelings for Jarred.... Again??? Seriously what are these deranged people thinking??


You got me laughing with this, very good! OK, well, I like the show in spite of the characters' flaws. But hey, if what happened to them happened to me, I might be a little deranged too 🤣🤣

I'm jealous though as I haven't had any callings yet 🙂


Egan was the winner of this show, he even conned God himself at the end.


Lol is that so? Unless I'm very desperate, I don't think I'll pick up on this again
