Gorgeous film

I just finished watching Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019), directed by Céline Sciamma and starring Noémie Merlant and Adèle Haenel. This romantic drama tells the story of a female painter who is asked to paint a wedding portrait of a young woman. The film has amazing cinematography. This is one of the most gorgeous films I have ever seen. The two leading ladies are fantastic and have great chemistry. In spite of the wonderful performances and beautiful cinematography, I didn't find the story quite as engaging or compelling as I would have hoped. It felt a little long at times and I didn't connect to it the way I connected to Céline Sciamma's previous three films. This is still a great film and I did like it a lot, but it is honestly my least favourite out of the directors filmography. That being said, I would definitely recommend it. My rating is an 8/10.


It’s a good one...saw it in the theater, the cinematography was beautiful...I can actually agree on your assessment of the story....the emotion and execution of the script was there but at certain points of the movie I thought it was being too subtle, considering some of the subject matter....still, a good watch....

What’s struck me was that it didn’t get an Oscar nomination, but it was a strong year for international film....the academy’s rule for one entry per country didn’t help, as the submission from France was the street crime drama Les Misérables (2019)...that film was good, but I would’ve went with Portrait for the nom, which made no difference in the year of Parasite...


Have you seen any of Sciamma's other films?


I haven’t, I was going to ask which one should I start with first? I suppose her debut would be a good place to start since it wasn’t that long ago...listened to an interview with her, she’s very interesting ...


All of her films are great. You can't go wrong with any of them. Tomboy is my favourite of hers and the first one that I saw by her, so I would recommend it. Her debut, Water Lilies is fantastic too.


I was surprised it wasn't nominated for a few Oscars. Definitely director and cinematography.


Yeah, it was definitely deserving of at least a couple nods.
