MovieChat Forums > Batwoman (2019) Discussion > Goodbye to this woke Godless garbage

Goodbye to this woke Godless garbage

Go woke go broke. I'm still surprised this made it past S1.


Stfu, troll. You probably never even watched the show---I did, and it was pretty good. There are a good number of superhero shows still on TV that are diverse, and with LBGTQ representation. Obviously, your dumb troll a** didn't know that, or else you wouldn't make such a stupid-a** statement. And saying something equally stupid like "go woke, go broke" proves that like most right-wing trolls, you don't even know what the term "woke" means. That's why you all sound so damn stupid when you try to use it as an insult, because guess what---it's not an insult in the first damn place. The term "woke" simply mean to be aware of social injustice going on all around you. That's all it means. All you right-wing trolls do is hijack and steal slang terms from left-wingers because you can't come up with your own slang terms worth a damn, and then twist them around and try to make them mean the opposite of what they mean, only because you don't like anybody on the left. Whatever---go screw yourselves with that tired and petty bull****.


Oooh, touched a nerve, huh? So the cap fits pretty well...


Are you having a bad day


Oi nufsaid16, shut up you fucking pathetic leftie woke bag of wanks.

Label me, go on I dare you, label me....
