MovieChat Forums > Star Trek: Picard (2020) Discussion > The show rehashes too many old themes fo...

The show rehashes too many old themes for a "Star Trek" show

When I first heard about this I thought it would at least not take place in the past as "Enterprise" and "STD" did, but watching the premier it's bringing nothing new and just going over already used up themes such as the Borg, Romulans, positronic brain androids, etc. It's nothing like the premier of "TNG" with the "Encounter At Farpoint" episode. It looks like the entire season's mystery is going to be about Commander Bruce Maddox and his experiments with androids, which again seems kind of a rehash of an old "TNG" episode.


Yep. I think that's by design. Soon as they rolled out the Borg in the promos I knew they were going back to the well. This show is exactly what it seems. A last ditch desperate attempt to bring the old audience to the steaming service. They might be gussying up the premise with some Brexit politics to satisfy Stewart, but this isn't gonna be nothing new for life long fans.

Frankly, I'm Data'd out. He got a real crappy sendoff, but at least we were done with those storylines. Not so fast!


I think it's a conclusion of sorts to the data storyline - or potentially a continuation of it.
Most fans were angry that Data got killed in the final film - now, it turns out he has a daughter, thereby continuing his story passively.

By the way:

In the novels, there was a very well written 2 parter about data coming back - and about a society of synths, with reborn data being by far more advanced than any other synth - with many of his parts being from the future and his brain sharing memories with his creator. There, the reborn Data chose to leave starfleet for good - but yeah.... the new version was super advanced - almost OP.

In the novels, there was also a very well written trilogy about the end of borgs - now that was an extremely well written trilogy with plenty of cameos, mysteries and an emotional ending.
