MovieChat Forums > Star Trek: Picard (2020) Discussion > SEASON 2 FINALE/ SPOILER TALK/ ALL GOOD ...


PREVIEW: Star Trek: Picard - Season Two Finale

Q tells Picard he has "ONE LAST SURPRISE in store" for him.

What could it be???


Picard is suppose to have destroyed Data's consciousness, but did he, or did he simply remove it and store it some place else???







According to her great-great-cousin Jean-Luc Picard, she was instrumental in early exploration of the Sol system. (PIC: "The Star Gazer") She discovered a microorganism on Io that she believed to be sentient and convinced the mission commander to bring it back to Earth. (PIC: "Fly Me to the Moon") The microorganism's discovery was crucial to preventing humanity's impending extinction due to pollution and climate change. (PIC: "Mercy")

So HUMANITY's GREATEST threat is what it does to itself rather than it being the BORG QUEEN or Q???


The Sol system, also known as the Terran system and Earth's (star) system, was an inhabited planetary system in the Alpha Quadrant. It was located within a stellar cluster in Sector 001. The Sol system was the capital system of the United Federation of Planets.



24 MORE HOURS to go until SHOWTIME for the SEASON FINALE !!!


So WESLEY is a GUARDIAN of TIME like the other character called GARY SEVEN???

And Q and his entire SPECIES are DEAD???

A RECAP of what happened can be read HERE at this link:

Star Trek: Picard Finale Recap: One Giant Leap for Mankind (Grade It!)

So .... how do we feel about what happens in the S2 FINALE???


Alex Kurtzman is definitely a great con artist he manage to pull CBS into producing the trashiest 10 episodes in the history of television and call it a success.

I feel sorry for all the actors that helped making this trash.


If you don't like the show then why on Earth did you watch all 10 episodes of it this season?

And why would you also watch all of the other episodes of the first season (which one would also assume to be the case with your having watched the 2nd season)?

Whatever the case may be, you also DID NOT answer the QUESTION put forth which is this:

how do we feel about what happens in the S2 FINALE???

Bitching about someone being a con artist and feeling sorry for actors doesn't address what took place in the SEASON FINALE at all.


FYI, as you can see by this Review, this SEASON was also based upon what else happens in an episode of TNG:

it’s the turn of classic The Next Generation finale ‘All Good Things’ to provide inspiration, as this closing installment makes it clear that the whole of this year’s arc has been built around an eerily similar premise.

In the last-ever episode of TNG, Q jumped Captain Picard backwards and forwards through time to save reality from a bizarre spatial anomaly. In ‘Farewell’ we learn that the whole of Jean-Luc and co’s jaunt back to the 21st century – including all those flashbacks to the tragedy at Chateau Picard – has been an extremely round-about way of rescuing the Alpha Quadrant from a "galactic event".

Despite the familiarity of the premise, it’s a clever – and poignant – piece of plotting. There’s a neat symmetry to the idea of Q – who’s had humanity on trial since the TNG pilot – returning to point the older Jean-Luc Picard in the right direction to fix a problem of galactic importance. More importantly, Q’s involvement provides an emotionally satisfying climax to the story arc that – while occasionally contrived – makes this wonderfully entertaining season’s few narrative missteps feel like they were part of a grander plan.

for the Traveler formerly known as Wesley Crusher to show up here is a wonderful surprise –

it’s a fun nod to fans to confirm that Wesley is still out there protecting the universe.

It's the last act of ‘Farewell’ that makes everything worthwhile, however, as Q finally reveals his true motives for interfering with Picard’s timeline – and goes some way to finding redemption for a lifetime of cosmic tinkering.


What's interesting about ALL GOOD THINGS (the SEASON FINALE upon which the S2 FINALE of PICARD is based) is how there's a scene in it that we might see again in S3 of PICARD:

Picard is now an old man in a vineyard, tying up some vines. As he does this, he hears La Forge's voice, jokingly complaining about an issue on the Enterprise, "the warp core or the phase inducers… or some other damn thing" as he approaches, smiling warmly. Picard is very delighted to see his old friend and they embrace each other. La Forge is unsure of how to refer to the ambassador. Picard suggests Jean-Luc, but La Forge doesn't feel sure about calling him that, and settles on captain, like he had done twenty-five years prior, the last time they served together on the Enterprise. La Forge offers to help, and tells Picard how to help his plants grow better, saying he picked up some gardening experience from his wife Leah. Picard asks how she is, and how the kids (Alandra, Bret, and Sidney) are. La Forge responds that they are just fine, his wife had just recently been named Director of the Daystrom Institute, but their son Bret is applying to Starfleet Academy in the next year. It is at this moment La Forge confesses that he stopped by from Rigel III to see Picard and how he was holding up to his newly contracted Irumodic Syndrome. As they begin to head back to Picard's house for tea, Picard tells La Forge what he thought of his latest novel, but in the middle of a comment on the protagonist, he suddenly sees a strange group of people, dressed in shabby clothes, and supposedly mocking the captain. La Forge apparently does not see the people, but before Picard can say anything, the scene shifts again, to another time period.

As you may recall, Picard DIES of Irumodic Syndrome at the end of S1 of PICARD, and The DAYSTROM INSTITUTE is also the place where they found Agnes (who told them about the TWINS).

So how surprised should we be to find JORDI showing up again the same way as he did in "ALL GOOD THINGS" in S3 of PICARD???


I watched it for keep spamming mindless links for such a trashy show.


This part of ALL GOOD THINGS is also interesting since I also predicted PICARD would MARRY BEVERLY in S3:

The Pasteur arrives in orbit with Dr. Beverly Crusher in command. She welcomes the three of them aboard, and tells Picard that his idea is absurd, but then again, she could never say no to him. A member of the bridge crew calls out for "Captain Picard" and both Picard and Crusher respond with a yes. Picard replies to Crusher that she kept his last name, suggesting a marriage and subsequent divorce of these two in this future timeline, hence the captain of the Pasteur is actually Captain Beverly Picard.

Of course that also means something would need to happen to LARIS ... unless she marries PICARD after he and BEVERLY get divorced.

Anyhow ...

Since you still haven't ANSWERED the QUESTION that was put forth:

how do we feel about what happens in the S2 FINALE???

the only logical conclusion to reach is that you've PROJECTED onto someone else a FALSE ACCUSATION ... that more appropriately applies to YOU YOURSELF ... due to the way it is ACTUALLY YOU who keeps SPAMMING this TOPIC with your MINDLESS COMPLAINTS (which no one else cares about anyway).

And since what happens in the SEASON FINALE of PICARD is also the SAME THING that happened in the FINALE of TNG, that also means if this show is as BAD as you say, then TNG would also have to be as bad as well.

Thus also making what you say that much more ABSURD and ILLOGICAL.




Picard suddenly finds himself back on Earth with Q, about 3.5 billion years in the past. Q shows Picard the sky, which shows that the anomaly is so large that it can be seen from Earth and spreads across the entire Alpha Quadrant. Picard then realizes that the anomaly is expanding as it moves back in time. Q then shows Picard a pool of green sludge, a pool of amino acids. They are about to combine to form the first proteins, however, the disturbance from the anomaly stops the combination as it happens. Life on Earth doesn't start, and the anomaly stopped the creation of humanity. Realizing from Q's words that he somehow created the anomaly, Picard is transported back to the past Enterprise now knowing that if the anomaly isn't collapsed then humanity will cease to have ever existed.




Wesley Crusher Returns!! • Star Trek Picard

Yes, and he also LIED to us when he told us that he WOULD NOT be back again or be in this show !!!



I just knew they would spend the entire season in the past, kinda sucks, and they missed a big opportunity by not tying in DS9's Sanctuary District time travel episode, also taking place in 2024. I wanted to see more 25th century Trek stuff, because S2 Episode 1 did a pretty decent job at it I thought.


Hi Volley. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Yeah why send them back to 2024 and then there's no mention at all of the RIOTS that were suppose to have been a Such a HUGE deal at that time?

Maybe they tried to get SISKO but he was busy or wasn't interested in doing another Trek show?

And does this mean Agnes is the BORG QUEEN who killed Seven's parents, and was later defeated by ADMIRAL JANEWAY (when she went 25 yrs back in time and meets the 25 yr younger Captain Janeway in the SEASON FINALE of VOYAGER called ENDGAME)???

JANEWAY always use to say TIME TRAVEL gave her a HEADACHE, and it's easy to understand the reason why she said that. Because if Agnes is a more compassionate BORG QUEEN, then why would she still murder Seven's parents?



Despite all the heartbreak in this episode, the second season of Star Trek: Picard featured brilliant storytelling from start to finish. It built on key aspects from the first season, fleshing out this new world while connecting to the much larger Star Trek canon. Characters were smartly utilized to propel the central part along while developing their own storylines and giving them as much closure as the overarching plot received.

Rating: A+


Same feeling as last season: I was enjoying the hell out of the show until the last two episodes. In this season's case, I am just OUT on a good Borg Collective. A group of them separated our de-assimilated? Fine. That Queen and her drones? NOPE.

I could even accept Q feeling some guilt after realizing he's dying. I can buy that being jarring to a being that thought he was immortal. You know he loved messing with Picard all those years. He's an arrogant god and Picard finally won him over.


I'm thinking maybe that GATEWAY is where those creatures that we saw last season may try to get back in again. Remember how PICARD talks Data's Daughter into closing the opening back up again before whatever it was could get inside of this area??

The Borg joins the Federation - Star Trek Picard S02E10 3:34 min

Since AGNES said there's something coming, perhaps that's the reason why she requested to guard that area?

Maybe it could also be fun to watch the BORG fight against an enemy that wants to assimilate or exterminate them??? Wasn't their purpose also to wipe out all organic life? And the BORG are also still part organic???


I haven't seen the first season in a while, so didn't remember what you were talking about. I am browsing a wiki page and vaguely remember what you're talking about. I have no idea if that's what is behind the threat. I would not have minded seeing the Borg fight this species if that's what is going to happen, but that could be done without making Borg good.


The BORG QUEEN doesn't strike one as being "GOOD" as much as she knows what AGNES told her is true (about NEVER WINNING the BATTLES that she has whenever she does encounter some other SPECIES that is GOOD).

In other words, she's probably more Machiavellian in nature, and is doing what she does because her goal is to bolster her own power and influence, rather than doing what she does for the benefit of other species or humankind.

And IF she makes an alliance with those CREATURES from S1, then she'd probably also be a much more formidable foe and opponent than she is now (which may also explain the reason why she said an alliance with the FEDERATION was only a temporary one).

Because doesn't that also seem to suggest she'll only align herself with the FEDERATION temporarily until something else better comes along?

That's the reason why I'm still thinking she's most likely still up to "NO GOOD" rather than her actually being GOOD now.


Sorry, no. They did not have the Queen do an about face only to have her say, "Gotcha" next season and combine with these ancient evil machines from season 1 that I'm pretty confident will never be mentioned again. They're actually saying the Borg can evolve.

Also, season 3 is finished and she's not coming back:


OK. So WHY do you think she only wants to join the FEDERATION on a TEMPORARY BASIS???

IF she were reformed and has no intention of doing any more HARM, why not become a PERMANENT member???

PLUS the article that you've given the link to also says this:

Pill will for now say goodbye to the Star Trek universe, but as the franchise has proven with this series, there is always room for a return.

Saying bye for now and then saying "there's always room for a RETURN" makes it sound like she could be back again in S3. Especially when S2 & S3 were also filmed BACK to BACK or pretty much AT THE SAME TIME.

And Wesley also said that he wouldn't be back to TREK again, but guess who showed back up again this season.

So IF Wesley can LIE or mislead us, then so can AGNES.



She said it in the episode. They wanted to join The Federation to stop that event. That wormhole, energy signal, or whatever it was. They needed more ships and help to pull it off and wanted to stay there because they thought it was a threat.

Season 3 is the last and she's stated she wasn't in it. Is she lying? Maybe, but I doubt it.


Since no one in the show is allowed to tell us what happens in the show, that's probably the reason why Wesley LIED saying that he wasn't going to be in the show when he WAS in it. Because he's under contract not to tell us anything.

So the same situation could also apply to AGNES as well (who could also be under contract) and we could also find her having a scene in the show (the same way as we found Wesley having one in it after he said that he wouldn't be in it). Because telling us the truth could also be SPOILER INFO that they're LEGALLY OBLIGATED not to reveal to us.

Think about it. Since that GATEWAY is another new TRANSWARP HUB (that Seven also said is even more UNIQUE than the one JANEWAY used to get VOYAGER back home again), why would they have it created and then NEVER refer to it's existence again?

The other one in VOYAGER (which was also GUARDED by the BORG) enabled you to travel from one QUADRANT to another one (which is also the reason why it's called a TRANSWARP HUB ... due to the way you can travel across VAST amounts of distances even FASTER than using WARP SPEED).

A transwarp hub was a megastructure that connected the Borg Collective's galactic network of transwarp conduits. Connecting to thousands of exit apertures in all four quadrants, the hub allowed the Borg to quickly deploy vessels almost anywhere in the galaxy in minutes; giving them a decisive tactical advantage. The galaxy had six such hubs, characterized by extremely high neutrino emissions and intermittent graviton flux. The hubs were supported by interspatial manifolds, whose shielding the Borg Queen regulated from the central nexus.

In 2378, the crew of USS Voyager discovered a hub in the Delta Quadrant, inside a nebula in grid 986. While Voyager was outside of the nebula, Ensign Kim and Seven of Nine detected high neutrino emissions accompanied by an intermittent graviton flux on long range sensors, leading them to speculate that the hub was a concentration of wormholes. The nebula contained at least forty-seven Borg cubes. Collaborating with Captain Janeway's counterpart from twenty-six years in the future, who had traveled back in time to change history, the Voyager crew destroyed the hub and, with it, the entire transwarp network. Admiral Janeway had deliberately infected herself with a neurolytic pathogen and allowed the Borg Queen to assimilate her, disrupting the Queen's ability to regulate the shielding around the interspatial manifolds. Having taken the ship into one of the hub's conduits, the Voyager crew then fired transphasic torpedoes, causing a chain reaction that destroyed the entire network. Staying ahead of the resultant shock wave, Voyager exited the aperture less than a light year away from Earth before the conduit collapsed. (VOY: "Endgame")

The Klingon Empire also maintains or at least uses a transwarp network, though it is unknown when it was established relative to the Federation version.


Alison Pill has been in every episode of the show so far. They're not suddenly lying about her involvement.


So do you think they've introduced this TRANSWARP HUB that she's suppose to be GUARDING and we're NEVER going to see her again or find out what it is and why it's there before this show ENDS???

Anything is possible, but if that's what happens, then that would also SUCK BIGTIME!!!


I don't know if we'll ever see the Transwarp Hub again, but I do think she's done.


If the BORG QUEEN was able to take over and inhabit the body of AGNES, then she should also be able to inhabit the body of someone else.


And the reason why she chose AGNES is because the QUEEN was being EXECUTED, and the body of Agnes was available at that time???

Perhaps the character of Agnes might be done, but the QUEEN is probably NOT DONE, and she may appear again inside of the body of someone or something else???



I meant Alison Pill, but yes the Borg Queen could pop up played by someone else. Given that each season has been about something else, I don't anticipate that next season.

I would love to see the Borg Queen be evil again one day or find out that there's multiple Borg Queens and Jurati is the anomaly (only good one)


I'm still having a problem with this HYBRID BORG being (Agnes Plus the BORG QUEEN) due to the way we've never encountered a situation before like this (in regard to the BORG) where 2 different personalities reside inside of one BEING.

We've seen it happen in the case of the TRILL's being HOST bodies for SIMBIONTS, but BORG's aren't SIMBIONTS or TRILLS.

Therefore the only reason why this QUEEN appears to be GOOD or well behaved is because she's inside of a HOST BODY which belongs to AGNES.

But once she discards the body of AGNES and choses to inhabit another different body, then she'll most likely also be right back to being herself again (without the personality of AGNES to keep pestering her and keep her in check).

In other words, imo, the QUEEN has always been EVIL and has only agreed to do something GOOD as a way to try to gain back the power and control that she previously had before she was executed.

Have you seen STRANGE NEW WORLDS yet? If so, what's your opinion of that show?


I don't mind her personality being an amalgamation of multiple people - I mean, Christ she has assimilated 1000s if not millions - I can see her absorbing and using things she likes about certain individuals.

I just don't like her being an ally. If The Queen was going to "override" Jurati, she'd have done it in the 400 year they've been together. I do hope to see evil Borg again some day.

No. I actually started Voyager, which I've never watched. So far, so good.


Voyager is my favorite TREK show. 😍

I don't think the QUEEN really is an ALLY. If that were the case, then she wouldn't have joined only on a TEMPORARY BASIS.

She's most likely stalling for time while she WAITS for a situation that's going to give her some kind of an ADVANTAGE over the FEDERATION (which Agnes also reminded her DEFEATS her every time that she deals with them).

So she'll most likely become an ALLY, or team up with, or ASSIMILATE whatever it is that's a THREAT (which is the reason why she GUARDS that TRANSWARP HUB), and then use the knowledge that she gets by doing that as a way to try to DEFEAT the FEDERATION.

And she probably also thinks by pretending to be an ALLY of the FEDERATION that will also make it that much easier for her to pull something SNEAKY (like JANEWAY does in the SERIES FINALE of VOYAGER called "ENDGAME" ... which is also one of the BEST EVER TREK FINALEs).

Also NOTE the way PICARD got DEFEATED and ASSIMILATED by the BORG, whereas JANEWAY KICKS the BORG QUEEN's BUTT BIGTIME (which also enables her to get her Younger self, her SHIP, and her CREW safely back home again.

