MovieChat Forums > Star Trek: Picard (2020) Discussion > Did Picard kill your love of Star Trek?

Did Picard kill your love of Star Trek?

In one of the Redlettermedia reviews of season 2, Mike mentioned that he wouldn't be watching season 3 as he was starting to have trouble separating this Picard version with the original TNG Picard who he greatly admired.

At first I thought he was being a little melodramatic, but after finishing the season and seeing how nearly all the new characters were casually discarded and that the plot remained a mess, I also felt my love of Star Trek begin to wane. It no longer felt like something trying to portray a bright future but a commercial product just trying to get your money.

Obviously the franchise has always been about making money but it never felt so blatant about it before, not even when JJ was at the helm. This time it felt like the writers didn't even care to write a cohesive story or work on building the Star Trek universe. Add to that the multiple new shows, none of which I've really warmed to.

As a result, I just haven't been able to watch or read anything Star Trek related since the end of season 2. I used to spend hours per week on Star Trek content but now even all the old shows feel tainted.


I didn't watch season 2, but I felt similarly to Mike. I watched TNG on my own some time after the first season of Picard, and couldn't look at him the same way on the older show. I mean, I'd see the Picard on TNG everyone liked, a strong, powerful, bold leader that everyone admired and looked up to. Someone people treated like the "dad" figure of the show.

And then to see him reduced to a pitiful old man whom nobody seems to remember as a hero, whom nobody respects at all, with a reedy voice and crumbling in submission to every bitch on the new show (because honestly, almost all the women on the new show were bitches).... it was hard.


crumbling in submission to every bitch on the new show (because honestly, almost all the women on the new show were bitches).... it was hard.



“almost all the women on the new show were bitches”

What’s that old adage again.. takes one to know one?


Star Trek was one of my most favorite things growing up and in my young adulthood but it left me long before Picard premiered.


Nah. They're so far removed from one another I can't hardly see them as the same character at all. Star Trek Nemesis did far more damage for me. Once I did a lot of research into Star Trek and learned about all the different creative teams and show runners over the years, and the turmoil that came with that, I came to realize that there's always going to be incredibly different takes on the material. And most of it not to my liking. Old Star Trek will always have a special place in my heart.


It was death by a thousand cuts for me. The cuts started in DS9 and VOY. I abandoned Trek with ENT. That is when it really died for me. My hope for something better kept me tuning into new series but each of them was so much worse than ENT that I almost like ENT now.


Yeah, DS9 sucked but VOY Seven of Nine focused episodes are great.


There were lots of great episodes in each of DS9 and VOY. But the really bad stuff was starting to show up in them like Sisko, feeble Klingons, and "holographic lungs" (Neelix in general).


Ds9 is great.


DS9 is the best TREK


Wrong, the best Trek is TOS, Then TNG, then VOY episodes focused on Seven of Nine, then ENT.


To me, with DS9, the Bajoran religious crap sucks, the Ferengi are annoying... but the rest of it, especially the Dominion War is AWESOME! Ever since the Dominion entered Star Trek, I've MUCH preferred them to the BORING Borg who got their asses handed to them by Janeway, as much as I love Voyager as well.


Boring Borg? They are the most exciting, interesting Trek villains.


Not to me. The Dominion came closer to destroying the Federation by brute force and paranoia due to shapeshifters.


The deterioration of Star Trek over the decades has left me only caring about the original 1966-1969 series, which is pure. One day maybe I'll be back in the mood to see "The Next Generation" again, but I'm not sure. Those who run Star Trek today have gone too far trying to mold it to present-day ideological fads about which I couldn't care less. I suppose it's still fun for people who are into that stuff, but they've lost me.


I suspect this will be the same for me. Since I made the OP, I watched two random DS9 episodes because I had them downloaded on my hard drive from ages ago but they barely held my attention. I have the same blah feeling when I think about the other shows.

TOS on the other hand was always my favourite and I suspect that if I warm to Trek again, it will only be to that. I never even cared for the TOS movies much as Kirk feels out of character to me.


Abrams/Kurtzman Trek is basically FANFICTION, not canon IMHO. Why would you let fanfiction spoil your love for everything Star Trek that came before?


Or rather, the ‘ideological fad’ has co-opted Star Trek just as it co-opted numerous other popular properties in the hope of programming your mind and making you join the cult.

Very much like The Borg, actually.


Why did you watch Picard then? Just check out the reviews like I do. If they hate it, I'll hate it too, and that's fine with me.


I didn't start watching the second season until I saw the reviews that the opening of the second season was a huge improvement. Most Trek shows have a terrible first season and then improve on the second so things seemed to be on track.

I kept watching after things got bad because I expected them to wrap up all the plot lines in a satisfying way. I also thought some of the characters showed potential.

I'm not planning to watch season 3, no matter how good the reviews might be.


No, that happened when they retroconned the Kiingon Emprire away. But when I heard that they had now retroconned away the Romulan Empire, that shit canned a chance to bring my fandom back to life.

Took a lot of work to get me to drive me away. But they put in that work. And then some.


Why let new Trek stuff drive you away from old Trek stuff? Just ignore the new stuff.


A living fandom is based on NEW stuff. Sure, teh old stuff, I'll watch it. I'm slowly watching it with my kid. But, it's not the same as having a new, growing franchise.


The shows I have seen my order would be


not watched strange worlds yet or lower decks
And I know The Orville is not treck but if it was I would have it after ENT


DS9 last? Odd. I really liked some of the Ferengi stuff and the war with the dominion.


It all started with Enterprise.
To be fair, I really enjoyed the first season of STD, but it completely fell apart in the following seasons.
Picard was crap from the getgo.
Orville is also crap - I was hoping for a legit parody, but it was utter woke crap like the rest of the new ST tv shows, with horrible writing, characters, etc. That's the thing with all these new shows - woke, crappy writing/characters. I wonder if they got an AI writing these things? That would explain much.


The Orville is still leagues above current Trek.


Some say ST strange new worlds is ok - if true, that would put it way above Orville, which is NOT leagues above the rest of the new ST shows.


I'm assuming you haven't seen SNW yourself then if you're referencing what others are saying about it instead of your own opinion. Some say SNW is ok purely because the standards of the previous few shows were so abysmal that any small amount of competence looks like quality in comparison. The Orville trounces ANY Klutzman Trek.
