MovieChat Forums > Emily in Paris (2020) Discussion > Did they show the REAL Paris?

Did they show the REAL Paris?

Run-down, trash everywhere, immigrants trashing the streets, barricades around the Eiffel Tower?

Probably not.


Its a rom-com so why they should show the worst side of Paris? People want to dream when they watch these kind of shows so they will show the best side of Paris


flash forward 10 years & some 19 year old girl visits Paris because this show implanted such a paradise in her head,
she gets mugged, beaten, & raped... left for dead due to her naivete concerning the "real" population of the City Of Love


I've been to Paris multiple times and that has never happened to me.


there's always next trip


You don't ever come out of your mother's basement, do you?


I bet he's one of those right wing freaks who spends all day ranting about Muslims and immigrants.


I bet you're one of those left wing freaks who spends all day ranting about anyone who's right wing...


"I know you are but what am I?"

Sorry, did I touch a nerve? You didn't sound the type. Is there anyone you're not angry at?


"I know you are but what am I?"

Lol, that doesn't even make sense since I didn't suggest you were a right wing freak.

Boy, aren't you a hypocrite. You're the one who chose to demonstrate his own bigotry and turn it into a political discussion.


she keeps the door locked but allows me to come upstairs to be fed & bathed because she doesn't like coming down into my area for that stuff


But she does like you coming down into HER area, hmmm???


upstairs = up,
not down... sicko


Your mother still bathes you. I'm not the sicko here.


& you're to replace that delicate, soothing touch of a mother with what?
a loofa?


Sure, if that's your thing, I'll buy you a loofa you can use in your special area.


There are always Liam Neeson's "taken" movies to warn them the dangers of Europe.

So what you described is not even the worst case scenario.


Oh please! Go back to kissing Trump's feet.

You know that the United States wouldn't exist without France, right? While we were successful at fighting the British on land, we never could have fought off the British Navy. The French did that for us. And, they helped us stop the British from burning Washington, D.C. to the ground in the War of 1812.

Go back to OANN.


Saying France sucks now is not the same as saying it has always sucked.

