How they ought to make "BP2"...

Don't make Princess Shuri the new Black Panther, give Queen Mother Ramonda some purple flower juice and make HER the new Black Panther! Because Angela Bassett is AWESOME IN ALL THINGS!!!!!

Of course it'll never happen, but wouldn't that be cool?


As much as I like Bassett, the mantle of Black Panther just isn't for her. She's already 62 so she doesn't have the longevity that Letiticia Wright has if they make Shuri the new Black Panther.


With enough purple flower juice, stuntwomen, and CGI, anything is possible!!! Even a woman over sixty leaping tall buildings and kicking villain ass!!!!!

And you know that Bassett would totally sell the superhero thing if she got the chance, and she'll still look great at seventy or eighty. What a pity Hollywood wouldn't dream of giving her the chance.


It just isn't feasible and honestly I don't really think anybody wants that.




never seen it


More likely they'll make either Shuri or Nakia the new BP. I kind of hope it goes to M'Baku instead.


I have an answer. I know who would make a good new Panther and it would NOT lessen Boseman's legacy. He at first fought T'Challa for the kingdom and lost, with T'Challa sparing his life. M'Baku as played by Winston Duke. He would be perfect. His character was offered it once. Why not again.

I also have another question.
When Killmonger was King and ordered the destruction of the plants that confer superhuman abilities, only one plant was saved. How are they going to confer superhuman abilities now?


They'll regrow from the roots like most plants do.


If memory serves, Killmonger had all the plants BURNED to ash. Nothing grows back from that.


But obviously all they have to say is the roots were still intact. It's not complicated. It's a very believable way to get the plants back. Same way a forest regrows after the same thing happening to it. It's a very common thing.


Yes. That is true. I didn't think of that. Thanks.
I still think that Winston Duke would make a great Black Panther.


Actually, I recently went hiking in a place where a wildfire had swept through the previous year, and had to turned back because it wasn't just the plant life that was burned, the soil itself was burned. All the organic matter seemed to have been burned out of the surface soil and it was so light and ashy that I turned back where the trail went along the side of a steep slope, the soil was loose and unstable, and there were hollows in it where I assume tree stumps or roots had burned to nothing.

And even in that burned forest, where the soil itself had been seared to ash, there was regrowth. There were thickets of bushes and wildflowers along the streams, dotted with butterflies and songbirds. Even after a firestorm, life came back the next spring.

Yes, this was in California, a trail I'd done many times. I had no idea how bad it would be.


Okay. Then I guess the magical flowers could regrow. That answers that question.

I still think that Winston Duke would be a great Black Panther


If the magical flowers don't regrow in the same place, then maybe they find another growth of the flowers further up the cave. But who knows, maybe the soil was moist enough or the roots grew deep enough, that the plants could survive a flamethrower. Or maybe the person who crushed the last flower turned the crushed bits over to the Wakanda Genetic Manipulation Lab, and they were able to grow new plants from the living cells that were left.

Either way, Winston Duke has carried films before, if they won't turn the franchise over to Angela Bassett then he's the logical person to be the next Black Panther.


I heartily agree. Duke is a great actor and can carry it.
But, if the current trend to give in to the "squeaky wheels" continues, I am afraid for the


"the" ???


Something happened to the rest of the post. This isn't the first time part of a post I made was lost. I was talking about the SJW and woke people changing everything to make women look powerful and men look weak. I don't mind a powerful woman. I loved Sigourney Weaver in the Alien franchise and Linda Hamilton in the Terminator series.
I just don't like making men weak for the sake of making a woman look more powerful. In just about every Marvel film, there are powerful women, but the men are not portrayed as weak.


I'd be good with that. And if not that, then Martin Freeman!!!!
