Solid movie

Engaging and well-told story with solid acting. Thomas Hayden Church was Thomas Hayden Church. He can be funny and endearing on-screen without even seeming to try. Bruce Dern played a role right in his wheelhouse - the eccentric old rancher with trust issues. I didn't even recognize that the waitress was played by Carrie-Anne Moss. Rudy Pankow held his own while surrounded by a cast of very experienced actors. He seems to be a star on the rise.

Perhaps I am partial to this movie because it was filmed very close to where I live. the main drag looks so similar, for a while, I thought they did film it in my town. However, films like this used to be more common. Most modern movies seem to rely on CGI and special effects more than a good story with solid acting, but I do enjoy them when they come along.
