MovieChat Forums > The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (2021) Discussion > Anyone who participates in race or gende...

Anyone who participates in race or gender swapping iconic characters is a BIGOT

The same goes for anyone who supports these bigots. Fact.


Explain. Who was race and or gender-swapped in this series?


Captain America was race swapped in this series. DUH!


Sam forgot trolls as part of the Big 3...


Anyone whose head explodes at the thought of "gender or race swapping" is a DIRTBAG, with a tiny dick. Fact.

And nobody was race-swapped in this show, Steve Rogers gave up the job and Sam Wilson took it. No swapping at all.


The producers of this show hate Steve Rogers for the color of his skin, BIGOT. Steve Rogers is Captain America, Sam Wilson is Falcon.


I know you're trolling, but I am going to answer this seriously for the sake of a good discussion.

"Steve Rogers is Captain America, Sam is Falcon."

This is the only sentence that has any relevance to me. It's a fair statement because I don't necessarily like having to give up one character's persona for another. Does there really NEED to be a Captain America after Steve? I don't think so. And I don't know if I like the idea of Sam having to give up his identity for another one. I like Sam as Falcon so yea...I can agree with that statement.

That being said, they are following the storyline of the comic books. Characters take over other mantles all the time. Bucky was Captain America at one point as well....before Sam I THINK but could be wrong. Dick Grayson has been Batman at one point. So, for me, the producers didn't do this 'because they hate Steve Rogers.' They are doing it because it was a natural progression of the story, is something from the comics, and it makes sense in the world of the MCU. I love Sam, he's a character that didn't feel forced down our throats like Captain Marvel was. He was a great addition to the movies and through everything we saw of him from Winter Soldier on, he earned that Captain America title. his 'on your left' in End Game is probably my absolute favorite moment form all the MCU films as a whole. And I honestly can't wait for Captain 4 with Sam in the role...if they ever get it made. Which they need

You could argue their need to shoehorn in all the race discussion was a little much and feels a little forced considering they did it at the height of the BLM stuff and feel it was unnecessary/outdated. I also feel like it didn't match Sam's character from the movies at all. But that's a whole other discussion. But for the show, itself, there was no hating on Steve Rogers and this isn't a case of race swapping. I thought it was a great way to continue the story.

FATWS was, and is, my favorite of the Disney+ shows and would LOVE a season 2.


"That being said, they are following the storyline of the comic books."

^Disney bigots bought Marvel comics in 2009, then race swapped Captain America in the comics 1 year later in 2010.


I could be wrong, but I am reading that Sam was introduced into the Captain America comics back in 1969. He wasn't introduced as Steve's replacement for Captain America until 2015. That's 46 years of earning the title. Sure, in 2015 we are full into the MCU and it would have been a popular move to make Sam CA based off currently political environments but it still makes perfect sense.

I also want to point out the fact that Chris Evans was not going to be Cap forever and I much rather them pass the mantle on to someone we know and respect than just recasting Evans and having to deal with that weird actor swapping they do over at DC every 2 years.

Also, again, I don't think 'Race swapped' means what you think it means. If they decided to make Steve Rogers black, yea...I think that's dumb and against the character integrity of the original character. But making a completely different character, who is black, is not a problem. But keep trying. You're very entertaining.


You're just trolling, BIGOT.


You're just trolling, NEEDLEDICK.

[Holds thumb and finger half an inch apart]


Yo momma was loving my dick last night.


Oh, did she get an electron microscope?


Do you talk like that to the dude you're gay married to?


You think that's an insult???

You really need to go back to Troll School, for some remedial education.
