MovieChat Forums > Fyre (2019) Discussion > Wow...the guy who talked about what him ...

Wow...the guy who talked about what him and his buddies did?

So...the night that all the guests arrived at the campsite, to find that they'd all be sleeping in those little emergency tents? They just realized they're f*cked...
And this could just as easily been a story about how this guy and his buddies ran around helping people somehow...maybe to scout for empty ones, or to help clean out the ones that'd been damaged by the storm.

Nah, this little shit and his friends ran to pick out a tent and immediately went to work ripping up the tents surrounding it, as to afford themselves a little more privacy. Even going so far as to urinate on a neighboring mattress or two, just for good measure.

And he's laughing during the interview, telling this little story. Haha the very moment we realized how screwed we all were, we couldn't move fast enough in helping to make a bad situation worse rofl!
Wasted exactly ZERO time in diving straight into Lord of the Flies mode and fucking over other people for the sake of a little added privacy LOL!

Jesus criminy, anyone else see that and privately want to punch them right in the dick? You can extrapolate a lot from this little anecdote, IMO.


This film confirmed my atheism. If there was any kind of God he would have sent a hurricane through that island of self-absorbed fuckwits when he had them as sitting ducks.


When they were gathered at the restaurant for those six notice the people filming themselves swigging liquor? That shot alone makes it hard to not agree with you somewhat.
People balancing bottles in one hand, their cell phones in the other, trying to get that "Look at me partaaaaay" shot.


Even rich stupid drunk kids can get scammed


Even stupid drunk kids with too much money can get scammed, huh? Jesus what's it coming to these days. Before you know it, drunken toddlers with Down's Syndrome might need to watch out. Some ballsy bastard might just think he could pull one over on them too!
Poor drunken, stupid rich kids.


It was a scam regardless of who got scammed. If I had the money I’d want to go see Blink 182 on a private island too


It was a scam and illegal, regardless of what utter dicks the victims were.

This is why while everyone in the world recognized that something hugely illegal was going on, it laughed at the victims! It's so rare that a crime leaves the victim looking hardly better than the perpetrator.


If I had the money I'd place Blink 182 on a private island.


Kids, kids, kids. Remember...these are adults.

Influencers? Ugh.


Gluttonous hedonists got the experience they deserved. They are all so weak minded that they fell for a stupid Instagram scam. There’s a sucker born every second and they all congregated on that island for one brief moment of Schadenfreude for the rest of us.
